IMO, this means u r NOT satisifed , which does NOT mean the game is bad.
It only means that given your expectations, whether or not influenced by the extra-hyped campaign, you want important things to be fixed that you are counting on patches or the usual guardian angel, us, the community.
I can agree with that, for sure.
I like a lot of the new stuff and directions they've taken with Skyrim, but I hate that they've taken a lot of stuff out and some of the changes in direction are just flawed. I thoroughly enjoy the game and am having absurd amounts of fun, but there are also times I have to remind myself to enjoy the game for what it is as a stand-alone game and I have to avoid comparing it to the rest of the TES series or other RPGs.
Most of my concerns, if not all, will most likely be addressed with mods. I felt similarly with Oblivion, but not as strongly, and the modding community fixed everything. I guess on that basis I will vote "no", I enjoy it but I don't consider it a finished product.