Outdoor it would be simple, issue is indoor in narrow places, even more in areas where its no even roof to remove.
Outdoor it would be simple, issue is indoor in narrow places, even more in areas where its no even roof to remove.
It can actually be easier to find stuff, sometimes, in such a view, because you aren't limited to exactly what you are looking at in 1st person, and sometimes it easier to see what could be secret stash areas. Now, it helps if you can rotate the view, like XCom, Wasteland 2, etc.
There's no way I'd play Fallout if it looked like that. I much prefer first person.
Hmm, maybe indoors might be harder especially in Bethesda Game Studios developed video games since you can pick up almost every single item in front of your face.
While for Crysis it was easy for me to do you don't have a inventory system in Crysis, even though you can pick up almost every single item in front of your face.
And my camera mod isn't the same thing as a Isometric View so there's that.
Those pics are 3D, Wasteland 2 is 3D. Yep, modern Iso view games are 3D. Perhaps you mean "1st Person"(btw, the earliest first person games not "3D" either. They were pseudo 3D)
From the man who made these screenshots himself https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/3vrkhf/if_black_isle_made_fallout_4/:
So no, this goes way beyond just "including Isometric View in a patch," more like a complete overhaul.
Not going to happen.
Not really. Can also have a zoom in, too, and those tapes and what not are generally just sitting on desks,etc, so not hidden, and majority, but not all, of keys are the same or on corpses.
Yet complete overhauls can take some PC gamers who are modders and programmers upwards to 6 months.
There are PC gamers who it took 2 weeks to add in multiplayer.
Some PC gamers who are modders it takes them only one year to do some stuff.
If you didn't read my comments about my camera filmitic cinematic mod that I said I made for Crysis where you are playing the video game, but it's like your watching a video. That mod for Crysis took me 6 months to make.
Isometric is an angle view (30/60), which is distinct from true 3D games where you get items far away from you appearing much smaller and so on. It's a drawing term really, which is something I do.
Here is a simple link for you https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isometric_projection.
Well that is cool, I'm just saying they are technically, 3D games, you can rotate the cameras, zoom in, zoom out, etc etc, and the character models are 3D, not 2D.
Yeah, I see them as distinctly different terms. Technically, everything is 2D on your screen.
Here you go, another link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2.5D.
The fact that VATS can be more god-mode than in FO3/NV makes me believe isometric mods can work really well.
Eh. VATS is there.
Which, essentially, makes the game turn-based.
While it looks nice and makes for a good dose of nostalgia, to have it implemented and working would require almost all the game world to be rebuilt. Indoor areas, most of the outdoor areas as well since I imagine there could be serious camera collision issues with scenery.
It's nice, but I'd rather the work on bug fixing and other stuff than trying to implement something that would require so much work.
Considering the general lack of similar mods for previous games, I wouldn't hold out hope of a fully working version here either.
You could argue that those people don't want BGS to "waste" resources on additional camera and mechanics that would have to go with it. But I suspect the reasons most people here vote for "no" are more superficial.
It looks cool but I don't really care if it's in or not.
Looks great. But then, I'm a first personer. Days of isometric perspective are long gone. I say let it die in honor.
It looks cool outside, but inside with cutaway buildings not so much.
No, for the simple reasons that
1 bethesda doesn't do isometric
2 if bethesda did spend resources and manpower to add isometric, that would fuel the hate machine to even more hysteria, "this is still not Fallout", "they think they can buy the trueTM Fallout fans with cheap camera on top of a garbage game", etc... there is no happy end between Bethesda and these people. Bethesda did try to reach to them by comissioning FNV to Obsidian. That was it, the reaction was even more bashing and trashing for Bethesda, so yeah, I think they will just design their games how their dedicated fanbase prefers, and that's first/third person by a landslide .
Honestly, they could have made a game true to the original Fallout in every way and the real die hard haters (The ones that aren't even constructive in any way with criticism) would still hate it 'Because Interplay/Black Isle didn't make it'.
Personally, I hate isometric view with the passion of a 1000 burning suns and wish they would stick the view to subjects I'm not interested in or stop having cool cinematic trailers of them. Its completely different gameplaywise and not a simple view hack. so NO!!!!!
Eh, I don't think any of the old FO fans bashed Bethesda for having Obsidian make NV. Unless you consider that most old FO fans prefer FONV as bashing.
I personally can't stand that camera view. I'm happy that Fallout 4 is not. It's awkward and disconnects you from your character. Those overhead games make you feel more like a God looking down over your character than making you feel like you are playing your character. Totally non-immersive.
Having said all that, though, such an overhead view would be perfect for the building portion of the game.