Yep and they would convince themselves how different it was and point out the differences and were no differences.
Yep and they would convince themselves how different it was and point out the differences and were no differences.
I'd rather they not waste their time on a camera view that will not work for the world they have built, Isometric is an old trick for creating the illusion of a 3d world so its simply not needed in a freely explorable 3d world.
Actually I would love to see a Fallout game that was true to the original Fallout games, and I don't care who made it. I mean, an actual CRPG? Yes please.
I actually voted yes. I don't think I'd use it myself (as I only ever use the 1st person view) but if they could do it for people who prefer it that way then why not. The only thing I would say is that id' be disappointed if the amount of work I imagine would be involved in that would mean a delay in any DLC and other content they might have planned.
Bethesda Studios has always been struggling with fixing and patching and improving their own games after release, they're rather slow and disappointing. So I imagine the horrors if they tired something so... different from what they usually do. I don't see the point, I hope they spend their money for fixing, then expanding (expansions) the game as designed, and then... au revoir, start full team work on TES VI already! Optional Isometric view for a studio known for first person world design would be in my opinion, wasted resources to cater for a small minority.
Show me the pics where it works in cramped interiors and i would be onboard.
Otherwise it would require Beth to script camera paths for just about every room in the game.
Just wait for a mod to attempt and fail at doing it, then agree it was not a good idea to turn a world painstakingly detailed for FPV into a zoomed out mess.
More options is always nice, but Bethesda has never made a game with Isometric view as far as i know. So it does not really surprise me that its not in either. This is where the modding community can do stuff, and i think that is the point. You can fine tune your experience to the way you want it.
That's true, I hadn't thought of it that way. As forTES IV - can't wait!
Because adding that "just optional" thing would be a massive undertaking. Actually making the game work like that, is more than just shifting a camera angle, and then saying "use VATS lots!"
(And yes, modders have added some serious tweaks into games. But the people using mods know that they might be screwing their game up, that things will be even buggier, that they'll have to deal with various kludges, etc. For the actual dev to do these things, would take a lot more work, because - even with, say, Bethesda's rep for bugs - people would expect pro work to be at a higher level.)
Hey, I love me some isometric games. Happily bought Wasteland 2 and Divinity:Original Sin the day they released. I still think it would be beyond moronic to try to warp FO4 into some kind of half-assed isometric form (as opposed to making an actual isometric game.) And yes, a huge waste of resources.
We've already mentioned the issues with aiming in live-action combat - it's not a turn-based game, that dude behind the pillar over there isn't in "cover, -30% to hit", he's actually popping his head in and out of view / rapidly moving behind various objects, etc. Ditto with people firing through slat fences, through broken holes in walls/doors, etc. "Just use VATS" doesn't seem like it would cover the issue, given how terrible the hit%'s I've seen at anything other than point-blank range. Then there's the part where even if the player only aims with VATS, the enemies are happily running all over firing/clawing/grenading away.
And we've talked about the fun of trying to loot just the pencils off a cluttered desktop, when that desktop is the size of a postage stamp. Or tin cans off a floor full of wreckage. Wonderglue, in a basket, on the second shelf of a warehouse stack. And so on. You'd at least need to add some sort of "highlight objects" function, or be constantly zooming in about 1000% so you could actually select tiny items.
But what about the new "verticality" thing they have going on? Probably need to come up with some sort of "fade out" rendering system, so you could scale up six levels of a busy skyscraqer structure, walking along boards/I-beams/ledges as you go. Ditto for interiors - some of those buildings have very twisty arrangements of multiple levels. Even if you did a "remove the ceiling" bird's eye view, and could deal with the wide corridors designed for first-/over-the-shoulder-third person views, there's still the part where the floors above need to be disappeared on the fly as you move around.
This is not just "hey, press a couple buttons, and move the camera up there!" It's a huge undertaking.
Go play Diablo. The options in Beth games of third and first person is more than most companies do. All your stealth snipers would be wildly unimpressed, as would people who like to see the sky or the horizon occasionally. It's a really [censored] stupid idea and would be a waste of time and effort.
Yeah, they'd have to create an entirely new movement system, somehow adjust VATS to be applicable for it, whole new camera with object transparency...
Sounds like an ambitious mod idea, although I personally don't see the point.
It's a fixed angle view (30/60), without a disappearing point like in 3D view, so that objects far away appear at the same size as objects close up.
Sorry OP that doesn't look amazing in any way shape or form...People with some rose colored glasses just can't get it through there brains...This isn't FO1....
I voted yes. I wouldn't use it, because if the option is there I'd prefer to use first person. But I'm always a fan of options especially ones like these that give a tip of the hat to the roots of the series.
A popular point that comes up in these types of threads is always "I'd rather they use the time and resources on something else". I don't really agree with that. For example, I have no use for base building and settlements, calling my character [censored] face and having Codsworth repeating it a couple of times, or seeing teddy bears absolutey everywhere in 'humorous' positions. But these options or features just add to the value proposition of a game. As a consumer, I'm glad they're there. If we start stripping games of features and options just because we think they're a waste of time, time better devoted to other things, then game will end up flavourless and sterile.
Most of the time, options are always better. And this is one of those times.
After playing Divinity and Wasteland 2, I realized how much I DON'T miss isometric top down games anymore. I still beat WL2 and Pillars, but have absolutely no desire to revisit them again.
I voted no simply because it would take away precious time and resources that could be dedicated to improving other areas of the game that everyone can enjoy, not just the niche crowd.
I would agree with you that more options are always better than less, I'm myself a svcker for all the clutter and other "useless" features in TES and Fallout that add to the suspension of disbelief.
But in this particular case, people asking Bethesda to add a whole new game in their game, which just 'happens' to be the exact type of camera view that Bethesda didn't want to keep from the old Fallout games, is silly. It won't happen for the same reason it didn't happen in Fallout 3: Bethesda wants to do their own interpretation of Fallout, and to create an original interpretation of an established thing you need to cut loose some of the features. The camera view was one of the things that they let go and also one of the features with the smallest chance to come back, you need to redesign too many assets.
And this is why Bethesda Game Studios should support all their newly developed video games for 3 years from now on, including Fallout 4.
Then those resources could be extended so we can get a Isometric View added in a patch in the future.
Since I started playing first person RPGs I have trouble playing third person or isometric view ones. They severely lack that first person thrill when exploring/sneaking/combating.
First person and RPG+adventure+action combo genre all the way!