I was at a Rite Aid and picked up a PC Gamer Magazine and Skyrim caught my eye. I looked and it was a few good pages but there was 1 screen I have never seen, and I KNOW it is new (Especially since it is June 1st and the issue is July 2011). I'll describe it best I can since obviously scans are not allowed:
It is a bit dark but lit up by fire that a Dragon is breathing from steps to a temple or ruins, while our Dovahkiin is holding an axe and defending himself with his shield. [Thats the best I can give]
Now I will edit this later after I read the article and interview PC Gamer did with Todd Howard, so cross your fingers for new info!
--"The dragon screams and flaps its stealth-bomber-sized wings. It knows its invulnerable-its too high to reach with an arrow, and beyond the ranger og magic. All we can do is watch as the dragon circles like a hawk awaiting the moment to strike its prey. At the controls...Todd Howard brandishes his longsword and shield, braced and ready for the inevitable attack. Suddenly, the dragon drops from the sky like meteor and slams the frozen tundra directly in front of him, blasting a cloud of snow out from underneath its cruel talons. Thew entire mountain shakes in protest-this legendary beast is as big as a two story house. Howard raises his shield as the dragon's scale-armored neck bobs and waves, cool and calculating. Then, as fast as the crack of a bullwhip, the foul lizard opens its jaws, sprays our hero's shield with liquid fire, and charges like a 15-ton battering ram."
--"...Howard walks away...[from the] dragon's smoldering, bleached bones." Is it confirmed that dragon remains stay, like after closing an Oblivion gate the 'ruins' stay?
--Though its been confirmed 3rd person improved, Todd says that Skyrim will be more effective in 3rd person. (Basically, he is saying 3rd person is better than Oblivions)
-"...liquid fire..." Metaphor or is some sort of 'lava' power revealed?
--Using magic in both hands will double the power, but double your magicka drain [Plus theres effects on your hands like in BioShock, but I think this was already confirmed]
--Theres a perk that adds "damage-over-time buff to your battle axes."
--"...The higher you climb, the more severe weather you get..."
--There is a "bow-and-arrow" perk that gives "bullet time", ..."slowing the world but letting Howard take his time and aim with ease."
--"we added rivers to dungeons as a way of naturally leading the player to certain destinations..."
--New spells: Circle of Protection, Chain Lightning. PC Gamer says Todd had Circle of Protection in one and and Chain Lightning in the other.
--"...so Howard equpis the [Golden] Claw as an item, using it as a type of key." Is equipping non-weapon items (like in Morrowind) coming back?
--Sounds like there is a "sonic" dragon shout attack (sonicboom?)
The rest is all from Todd's interview that PC Gamer did:
--The city with the infamous "backwards windmill" in the trailer is Solitude, an Imperial city siding with the empire, as Todd states, but Windhelm is "the oldest pure-Nord city"
--"Markarth is very verticle. Whiterun is kind of in the middle--it's in the tundra, so that city is more open."
--"So if they play Crysis or anything like that, the mechanics of what we're doing, like interface-wise or controls, is not terribly different." [woah....]
--"The basic spells are easier to cast than it is to shoot some of the guns in first-person shooters."
--"You can swing your sword when it's low, you just cant do the bigger moves if you don't have enough stamina."
--[THIS I found a bit interesting]:
What's you best guilty pleasure moment?
Theres some evil things, if thats what you're asking. The artists have recently put rabbits in the game. I looked over, and there's this little rabbit. he's sitting there, chewing like a rabbit would, but I wanted see if they had really made it work, and he was just sitting there so I took my mace and went WACK!...and it went "Waaaaaaaahhhh!" But it didnt die, so im like: WACK! and that killed it. But in the moment I thought, "wow it lived through that and now Im going to crush it again to make it die," and I felt really terrible. But really, I was just making sure that, "OK, yes, they out rabbits in the game." [Oh Todd!

[Thats it, thanks for reading! :tops: