We could have probably come up with a very similar list.
Obviously a noob, doesn't even mention a bashed patch
Edit : Didn't notice when I looked - But was TES5Edit mentioned ?, probably the most essential tool for modding skyrim and getting rid of ITMs and UDRs in the official plugins to stop mods being problematic when added to dirty plugins that Bethesda provide
I can't say I agree with a lot of what that guy posted, he should have been less personally biased or at least titled it MY top 50 best mods. While I see some really good ones on there, it doesn't cover much in the way of categories...no immersion category (with mods such as Portable Campsite and Realistic Needs and Diseases), no house mods, no town mods...no Vilja! Wat!
Also he just completely dismisses Steam with 'it hasn't worked out'. Actually there are a LOT of large and extremely good mods on Steam. No, I can't say I agree with this completely biased selection touted as 'the best'. Although there are many excellent mods on there that deserve to be there.
I completely agree. Any list of "50 Best Skyrim Mods" (oh gods, how I loathe the word "best" when applied to art or entertainment!) that does not include Vilja is not going to be taken seriously be me.
Subjective list is subjective.
And a lot of good mods are only found on the workshop. When it comes to the nexus, most people acquire a bit of tunnel vision and forget its not the only site to download mods from.
that list ist literally 5 days older than Vilja. it's from October 2012, so naturally, i few popular mods will be missing. edit: disregard, it seems the list is regularly updated
I'd say Inigo's the best follower mod.
I actually started writing a modding list thing with mods in categories, the ones I thought were the best of each category. Each one had a small summary, my opinion, and a link. It had reached 30 pages in Word and I wasn't even a quarter way done. I still have it somewhere.