If I want the collectors edition I'm supposed to just put blind faith into the game. You're expecting us to put down a lot of money for a game we know next to nothing about. It's bad enough we don't get to wait for reviews. But considering how much of a joke the videogame journalism industry has been lately I guess it's not as big of a deal as it used to be.
What's more important to me are the following:
1. Where's the official system requirements? If I need to upgrade I'd like it done before the game comes out so it's good and ready.
2. Why haven't we seen any PC screenshots that show off the differences between the console versions and our platform?
(Please don't give me that PR stunt where Pete Hines or someone said they mixed in PC screenshots with the console ones. It's simply not true otherwise there really is no difference between the versions.)
3. How come there hasn't been any word about our control schemes with the new "dual wield" and "favorites" gameplay mechanics?
4. Where's our unique menu and UI? Or are we going to be stuck with the console versions format yet again? Keep in mind we're playing on higher resolutions and we have the luxury of the mouse. Scrolling through menus and lists isn't what we should be stuck doing.
(Mods can only do so much to change how the UI looks. The mod tools are for the creation of content. The actual UI and menus are hardcoded into the game. You can tweak them a little bit through certain files but that's about it. You won't be able to say... put Morrowind's menu into Skyrim or Oblivion. So stop giving me "Mods" as an answer. It didn't work for Oblivion, it didn't work for Fallout 3, it's not going to work for Skyrim.)