SPOILER - Skyrim is a land governed by the 9 holds ( which are seperate regions controlled by single ruling families),
many of which have now been overthrown, and in their place are elected councils and the climate between these varying faction is now on the brink of war. SPOILER.
So that's how the civil war started. We'll have more political factions than in Morrowind, and their relationship with one another will be much more violent :thumbsup:
One of the shouts is actually a whisper , which give's you the ability to teleport silently over to your enemy .
I allways wanted a Blink spell. Guess which shout I'll use the most. :twirl:
In the mag there is a graph/diagram to explain how duel wielding works and according to this , you can use 2 Shields , 2 Swords or for that matter any 1 handed weapon and yes - on this graph there is Polearms.
Finally a solid confirm on Polearms. Seeing how it's Saturday, half the forum are going out for a beer tonight, and guess what everyone's toast will be? :celebration: And a confirm on dual-wielding shields as well?

this single line is going to be the favourite here.
On page 39 There is a SS depicting a Stealth Kill , you see the Protagonist with his face fully obcured by a black hood ,plunging his knife
into the hapless victims Ribcage .. he is dressed in full leather armour
and is wearing a left pauldron and vanbraces while the assailant is also wearing Vanbraces.
Fingers crossed for pauldrons as seperate armor slots. Hoods that conceal your face entirely are so cool :tops: .