First thing to say is
I've been lurking these forums a fair bit now, for the last couple of months in fact - reading up on all the latest stuff about skyrim.
Anyhow i''ll try my very best without trying to spoil anything for anyone.
Right then now to relate what little extra info there is ,which has'nt already been posted.
SPOILER - Skyrim is a land governed by the 9 holds ( which are seperate regions controlled by single ruling families),
many of which have now been overthrown, and in their place are elected councils and the climate between these varying faction is now on the brink of war. SPOILER.
In the mag it says , in the beginning you choose nothing at all ,other than your race which has a slight effect on your base stats.
You level up twice as fast as Oblivion, and when you do - you get a choice to increase either your Health/Mana/Fatigue
It also says, Defeating a Dragon and taking its soul gives you the potential to learn its shout. But the words themselves dont come easy ,they're written
in that Dragons own language on the walls of crumbling ruins all over the place. The defeated Dragons soul confer's to you the ability to be able to spot the words
among the ancient glyths.
One of the shouts is actually a whisper , which give's you the ability to teleport silently over to your enemy .
Main quest and most elements of the side quests are all scripted ,Radiant Story is there as a means to configure and tweak them to your char in subtle ways.
In the mag there is a graph/diagram to explain how duel wielding works and according to this , you can use 2 Shields , 2 Swords or for that matter any 1 handed weapon and yes - on this graph there is Polearms.
The npc's daily buissness you can join in with ,aswel as Farming or Woodcutting , you could go down to the mines with the locals , chip out some Iron ore , then head on back to the smiths and forge out your very own Sword.
In this mag There are no new SS's to speak of with the possible exception of 1 ... which is, of the Protaganist dressed in full elven armour ,with an Orc Sword in his hand; facing 3 ice Wraiths.?
However i also have OXM and in this mag there are at least 3 SS's which i have not seen posted anywhere , on page 36/37 in the forground is the protagonist ,standing next to the Blacksmiyths and walking towards him is an npc in full armour;walking with his pet Wolfhound , while to the right of the ss is an Old Lady in ragged clothes leaning on a post - and in the distance to the left of the pic is another npc with folded arms. The detail of this ss look amazing , but it's kinda hard to tell , because the ink what the mag uses is quite lame :/
On page 39 There is a SS depicting a Stealth Kill , you see the Protagonist with his face fully obcured by a black hood ,plunging his knife
into the hapless victims Ribcage .. he is dressed in full leather armour
and is wearing a left pauldron and vanbraces while the assailant is also wearing Vanbraces.
There seems to be a couple more new ss's but not much to tell about them , other than its a guy in cave.
Ok then , i think thats about it ... i will edit if i find i missed someting out
Finnaly wanna just apologise upfront, for not using any spoiler tages. i am forum noob.