I live in Sweden. Where can I find the Gamereactor issue? On the Internet? In stores (if so which; Gamestop??)?
I live in Malm? there they have Gamereactor the store GAME, and at Hemmakv?ll, dont know otherwise, but one thing that is awsome is that some weeks after release they post the whole magazine on the net. So everyone will be able to see the pics.
I live in Malm? there they have Gamereactor the store GAME, and at Hemmakv?ll, dont know otherwise, but one thing that is awsome is that some weeks after release they post the whole magazine on the net. So everyone will be able to see the pics.
Thanks for the info ^^
Anyone knows if 7th of february is just the shipping date; or if that's the same date as they will be in stores as well?
I bet they will use the same screenshots/concept art as GI.
on the norwegian website they say they got 5 new screens. and (not sure im allowed to say this, but no mods will answer) they have actually posted the GI SCANS on their website. how weird is that for a magazine. + as i said before, theyve posted oblivion screens along with them. bunch of noobs
Well, they appear to have scans of the GI article somewhere on their website (don't want to make it too clear where, hopefully the mods won't murderise me for saying even this much), which isn't very professional...
Yeah, nice screenshots of scans of another magazine (don't know if they are the same company/different names, ex: PCGamerUS/PCGamerUK). If those screenshots are any indication, I was right to fear about the PC version looking like crap. Those screenshots look like they are 5 years old!
Yeah, nice screenshots of scans of another magazine (don't know if they are the same company/different names, ex: PCGamerUS/PCGamerUK). If those screenshots are any indication, I was right to fear about the PC version looking like crap. Those screenshots look like they are 5 years old!
:stare: TES V looks great so far, plus they still have 10 months till release so what ARE you talking about?