PC gamers are extremely disappointed.

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:34 pm

IFreedom - your right ,same problems here.well I just paid £30 so think its not worth it.its better find a torrent and get it for free,if you know what I mean.just to cheack it out,so,NO MORE CRYTEK GAMES,NEVER AGAING.that game is a joke.what about AI lol......but its another story.no more crytek.dont get my money again, never ! fcuk you.
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Angus Poole
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:30 pm

I can't pass judgement yet, I'm having trouble actually playing MP. Suffice it to say, however, that this is among my first pre-orders of a game, and I can't envisage doing so again based on this experience. These are issues that basic bug testing would have raised. Really the game should have been released...working? I don't know. Perhaps I can make a decision when a patch comes out.
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:53 pm

Basically Crysis(R) 2 svcks!

I brought it on 22nd and I used 2 **** days to figure out how to patch it to 1.1
during this process I've downloaded 3 **** time with finger crossed

Bad Company 2 and Black Ops is ways cooler then C2
Crysis(R) 2 is just like a joke to me
DX9, failed patch, gay multi-player, no anti aliasing all these things make the game **** ridiculous, unbelievable!
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:54 am

I'm getting over 60fps at 1080p with "extreme" settings. I can't even get 30fps at 1080p with extreme settings on Crysis 1.

Here's what pisses me off, other than that, it seems like a great game.

1. Textures. They look bad. Not ok, just bad.
2. Destructible environments. Yeah... Non existent.
3. Vegetation physics. In C1 when you shoot vegetation it reacts very realistically. In C2 nothing happens.
4. Draw distance... Abysmal. You can see sh*t popping in the distance.
5. Settings. Non existent.
6. Change the brightness of my "TV"? Really? Really?
7. Cars. They look like sh*t. I can't even express how bad the low poly count has affected cars.
8. Level size. Can't hold a candle to C1.
9. AI... This might be just me, but C1 AI seems smarter. These idiots literally run in circles. I was still in the very beginning levels, when you have to go up stairs and you're given the silenced SCAR or whatever it's called. Zoomed in to "asses the situation" since apparently "tactical options are available" (suit keep telling me this all the time, like it's not supposed to be a given) and I see this AI smartass, just running in circles. I was so amazed, I just lit a cig and watched for a few minutes to see if he will stop. He didn't, so I just shot him. Nothing happened. No-one saw me or heard me.

I paid $59.95 + tax for this sh*t. C1 is a better game in every way.
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:29 pm

PC Forum?

LOLZ. As soon as I started to play the game the first phrase that came from my mouth was "wtf!, this looks like PS3 or XBoX".

The only reason I spent so much cash on my PC hardware is because of the advantage of a real GPU can offer. And it is really disappointing because Crysis1 is so much better than this.

Crysis2 AI svcks. Found many instances that the AI kicking and punching the stairs or garbage bags. Those AI ( AI=Artificial Idiots) even Congregate on stairway and stuck there forever unless I nade them or shoot them.

I went to the forum and found different threads that were designed for PS3, XBoX and PC and realized something. Really? PC? Then grabbed the DVD case again read the back part and saw "PC". You know what the game looks all the same now across all platform.

Nobody respects PC anymore. Sad.
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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:11 am

"My point: clearly Crysis 2 is a good game. The fact that you do not like it is your opinion, so do not act as of Crytek betrayed you. Video games are an industry and we are consumers. It's simple economics. Crytek win, complainers fail. "

RIght and wrong They did promise it would look better then the 1st (lie) Promised game play was better (no lie) better AI too infact best AI yet. I like most other PC gamers are not happy because Crytek always stood for the best PC gaming company (single player) out there with advance graphic's to wow us. Now they're just another port company that work for PS3 and XBOX, thats fine its just sad to see them go.

Luckily for me I only paid 44 dollars for this (which is all I would pay for a ported game) had I paid $60 I would have been pissed but Crytek wouldn't care if I was pissed so it dosen't matter. Nothing anyone can do about it except not buy the next one Which I wont until the price falls to half. Since there is nothing I can do about I just hope its a Epic fail on the console's so I can feel good they **** them selves, but I dont think thats gonna happen.

In other words, you wanted another hardware-killer/melter disguised as a shooter (which is what the original Crysis was known for - and harshly criticized for by lots of gaming sites and PC gamers alike).

And instead of playing Crysis with every mod and tweak and comparing *that* to Crysis 2, compare the original Crysis (with all patches) to Crysis 2 (with the only patch released so far - 1.1) *at the defaults it chooses for your hardware*. Otherwise, it's apples-to-oranges, and thus biased.

In my subjective comparison of the two games, that is exactly what I did *before* the 1.1 patch hit the servers.

Same hardware.
Same settings.
Same level of detail and difficulty.

As far as graphical detail, Crysis 2 ate the original Crysis' lunch.

What a game looks like at maximum settings may matter to you (and a lot of the criticism of Crysis 2 is about those *maximum detail* settings) - to me it means diddly (from a gameplay POV) because I don't play at those settings, looking for nits to pick.

Yes - I downloaded the Advanced Graphics Options tool.

I changed *one* set of settings - the texture loadout - from Low to Medium.

That's all.

There went Crysis' *dinner*.

It's still smooth as glass - which matters a lot.

It's not pixellated at Medium Detail (which the original Crysis, albeit with all the patches, still is).

So Crysis 2 is not a graphical monster that requires high-end hardware (especially the GPU) to look good with.

Why is that such a sin?
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:54 am

The ones that are disappointed are PC hardware enthusiasts (that have historically made up the PC FPS market), and, from their POV, I can understand why.

First off, Crysis 2 is not the hardware-eating graphical benchmark disguised as a shooter that the original Crysis (and Crysis Warhead) was.

Second, Crysis 2 is multiplatform. (Here's where my own concern was - usually multiplatform titles look bad-to-meh on the PC at *any* resolution or detail level.)

Thirdly, there are not a truckload of settings for adjusting the graphics within each area.

I have one thing to say about those three complaints (from my own point of view).

Thank goodness that Crytek actually listened!

First, Crysis 2 is not the hardware-eating graphical benchmark disguised as a shooter like Crysis was. However, it IS setting new standards for what a PC shooter at the defaults is supposed to look like. (No previous FPS for the PC - and that includes Metro 2033 - has looked as good at the defaults as Crysis 2 does. Not one.)

Second - despite it being multiplatform, Crysis 2 flat-out *nailed* the PC default settings. (That's often the biggest failing in a multiplatform title, and especially a shooter.)

Due to the first and second, the third doesn't happen (if you are into the single-player first off). The only reason to tweak is if you feel some strange need to - I am actually quite happy with *all* the settings - except gamma, which was the only one I changed. Where I am curious is *why* are the folks that are complaining about lack of tweaks *needing* to tweak?

If you're a hardware enthusiast, I get why you're bent out of shape. However, if you just want to install/activate/play (and not on a console), there's actually an alternative to Valve. (Nothing against Valve - it's just nice to have options in the shooter genre *other* than Valve.)

WHy don't you come over to my place & try to play it on my setup? You'll have a seizure after 30 seconds.
That's exactly how they "nailed it"...

What are your hardware specs? I likely have less hardware than you - which is all the more reason why I'm confused!

I'm serious.

I have probably one of the wimpier desktops among all Crysis 2 players.

Yet I've had nary a crash.

Nary a BSOD.

The single-player is actually fun (my only complaints are frustration over my dying too much - a comment over my sheer lack-o-skillz).

So you tell me - what am I doing *right*?
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:52 am

Im really enjoying the game, when a server works.

I can 100% connect to unranked servers. Never been in a ranked game as the servers dont work.

I love it, when it works. Im playing multiplayer only.

Regardless, the bugs are pissing me off, random disconnects, rank incorrect, unlocks incorrect etc etc.

Driving me insane. This needs fixing!
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:18 am

What **** me off is the crappy textures (especially the Nanosuit arms), New York (the only map that had a little bit of the Cry feel was Roosevelt Island in the campaign but that didn't last long), guns feel like they glued to you since there's no gun sway or cl_bob anymore, and of course the lack of official advanced graphics options.
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Roisan Sweeney
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:46 pm

I don't get why people are mostly complaining about the PC graphics (which is of course not that good I know), when there are things such as **** AI, crappy physics (tried to shoot a corpse and the bullet will go through and the corpse would have hands lifted up in the air lol), server problems(haven't try multiplayer), buggy sp (the **** nano catalyst).

It also seems that something is wrong with the AI, not only is it ****( keep looking at wall or cover retarded, AI won't search for you once stealth is activated), but it seems to have kind of psychic power. Every time I was behind cover and was out of stealth they would start shooting the cover, once i activate stealth they would stop shooting, how on the **** earth do they know I am in stealth mode or not if I am behind the **** cover!?
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lucile davignon
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:10 am

they have already destroyed their reputation

crysis 3 will have very low sales as people won't preorder it

this is a shot in the feet for them
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:24 pm

they dont care any more coz they swiched to a console gamers,so fcuk them hard ,LOL.well im not a big fan of crysis,crysis 1 was boring game,MP was crap,Im sure after couple months servers will be empty as it was before with crysis 1.just bought this game to check out ,how it looks like,i mean graphics,AI, etc.well crysis 2 looks **** thats it.another rubbish game.
Im going to stick to BFBC or black ops.
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:21 am

Basically Crysis(R) 2 svcks!

I brought it on 22nd and I used 2 **** days to figure out how to patch it to 1.1
during this process I've downloaded 3 **** time with finger crossed

So because you are bad at computers and don't even know about simple patching that makes it a bad game? Don't blame Crytek for your own failing.
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Floor Punch
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:35 am

arcknight381 thats why they dont get my money any more ,lol,well they treat the same way their own employees,read a wikipedia info about EA,lol,bloody bastards.
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louise tagg
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:40 am

You should try to join the servers WITHOUT the ( EA ) .. Next to them .. They seem to work more often .. Ranked ofc :)
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:29 pm

You should try to join the servers WITHOUT the ( EA ) .. Next to them .. They seem to work more often .. Ranked ofc :)

sure but when you be at 1 rank one map second map you will kicked or disconnect from server!
after this you quite the game and lose all what you play i m disappointed!
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:37 am

There were *plenty* of non-EA/non-IGN servers during the MP beta; most of them are still around (I've actually found no less than four within one hundred miles of me; my favorite is in Virginia).
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Maria Leon
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:17 am

OP calls himself a PC gamer, yet says he's only ever bought 3 games in his life?

Where did you get the rest of your games? Or did you just play those 3 all your life?

Methinks OP is a dirty pirate, and much as I agree with some of his points, admitting to being a scumbag means you just lost your credibility.
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:03 am

I'm not disappointed. Though I would like to have seen some better graphics and more destructibility the overall game is pretty damn good. A lot better than something like COD imo. So speak for yourself OP.
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