» Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:54 am
The ones that are disappointed are PC hardware enthusiasts (that have historically made up the PC FPS market), and, from their POV, I can understand why.
First off, Crysis 2 is not the hardware-eating graphical benchmark disguised as a shooter that the original Crysis (and Crysis Warhead) was.
Second, Crysis 2 is multiplatform. (Here's where my own concern was - usually multiplatform titles look bad-to-meh on the PC at *any* resolution or detail level.)
Thirdly, there are not a truckload of settings for adjusting the graphics within each area.
I have one thing to say about those three complaints (from my own point of view).
Thank goodness that Crytek actually listened!
First, Crysis 2 is not the hardware-eating graphical benchmark disguised as a shooter like Crysis was. However, it IS setting new standards for what a PC shooter at the defaults is supposed to look like. (No previous FPS for the PC - and that includes Metro 2033 - has looked as good at the defaults as Crysis 2 does. Not one.)
Second - despite it being multiplatform, Crysis 2 flat-out *nailed* the PC default settings. (That's often the biggest failing in a multiplatform title, and especially a shooter.)
Due to the first and second, the third doesn't happen (if you are into the single-player first off). The only reason to tweak is if you feel some strange need to - I am actually quite happy with *all* the settings - except gamma, which was the only one I changed. Where I am curious is *why* are the folks that are complaining about lack of tweaks *needing* to tweak?
If you're a hardware enthusiast, I get why you're bent out of shape. However, if you just want to install/activate/play (and not on a console), there's actually an alternative to Valve. (Nothing against Valve - it's just nice to have options in the shooter genre *other* than Valve.)
WHy don't you come over to my place & try to play it on my setup? You'll have a seizure after 30 seconds.
That's exactly how they "nailed it"...
What are your hardware specs? I likely have less hardware than you - which is all the more reason why I'm confused!
I'm serious.
I have probably one of the wimpier desktops among all Crysis 2 players.
Yet I've had nary a crash.
Nary a BSOD.
The single-player is actually fun (my only complaints are frustration over my dying too much - a comment over my sheer lack-o-skillz).
So you tell me - what am I doing *right*?