PC gamers are extremely disappointed.

Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:14 am

I have brought 3 games in my entire life, yet I am a very active gamer, my love for Crysis 1 was unconditional and the teaser of Crysis2 gave me chills down my spine...

Ill say it short: As a PC gamer I regret buying this 'game' and I will be fighting for a refund, why?
*I cannot redeem my Limited Edition content WHICH I PAID FOR
*The multiplayer servers aren't even workin!
*"Addjust the brightness to fit you TV SCREEN" - thats just silly...
*"Press the start button" - are you serious?
*The settings - not much to talk about here, because there are almost none
*The game runs in DX9, a piece of software that is years and years old!! Crysis 1 ran on DX10!! And now the sequel after all this years runs on bloody DX9!?

Many many more to talk about here! I wish there was an option to express emotion throught the interwebz, because the hate and dissapointment that I am feeling right now is not expressable throught text!
I mean, it's not a real game, its a **** console port that is not even worthy putting on my PC desktop!!

All I want to say? I should've never bought the game, I should've just pirated it :/
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:13 pm

Agreed. I want a refund because the game we've all paid for is not the game we were told we were going to have.

It just beggars belief they let this hit shelves in it's current state. It's multiplayer is unplayable and is actually less stable than it was in the Demo.
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:33 am

10 % of the servers out there works :D AnD I FUUUUCKING L?????????VE IT
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yessenia hermosillo
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:30 am

Couldnt agree more.... They say piracy is killing the industry, but what do they expect from selling half-ready console ports to gamers???
A friend of mine tryied the Leaked Beta, and you could use Quick Save/Load, and on the released(not gonna say final, because we all tryed it by now) version it was just traded for a stupid checkpoint system!

i dont get it... im really mad LOL
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:56 am

The Graphics on PC are a very big let down.
- Gras and leaves look bold and ugly.
- Objects like cars in the street are just pictures (hey mr consolero here)
- Skyscraqer Textures are also not very fine tuned like i would have expected (cant tell here if they are using pictures also).

general Gameplay is ok so far, but why is it that we must experience all the console kind of gameplay/handling and background implementation ?

Seriously Crysis 2 is no where near Crysis 1. Its ages beyond.
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helen buchan
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:25 am

No point in buying it.. just play the leaked beta lol. Miles better than the 'finished product'.
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Louise Dennis
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:52 am

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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:09 am

The ones that are disappointed are PC hardware enthusiasts (that have historically made up the PC FPS market), and, from their POV, I can understand why.

First off, Crysis 2 is not the hardware-eating graphical benchmark disguised as a shooter that the original Crysis (and Crysis Warhead) was.

Second, Crysis 2 is multiplatform. (Here's where my own concern was - usually multiplatform titles look bad-to-meh on the PC at *any* resolution or detail level.)

Thirdly, there are not a truckload of settings for adjusting the graphics within each area.

I have one thing to say about those three complaints (from my own point of view).

Thank goodness that Crytek actually listened!

First, Crysis 2 is not the hardware-eating graphical benchmark disguised as a shooter like Crysis was. However, it IS setting new standards for what a PC shooter at the defaults is supposed to look like. (No previous FPS for the PC - and that includes Metro 2033 - has looked as good at the defaults as Crysis 2 does. Not one.)

Second - despite it being multiplatform, Crysis 2 flat-out *nailed* the PC default settings. (That's often the biggest failing in a multiplatform title, and especially a shooter.)

Due to the first and second, the third doesn't happen (if you are into the single-player first off). The only reason to tweak is if you feel some strange need to - I am actually quite happy with *all* the settings - except gamma, which was the only one I changed. Where I am curious is *why* are the folks that are complaining about lack of tweaks *needing* to tweak?

If you're a hardware enthusiast, I get why you're bent out of shape. However, if you just want to install/activate/play (and not on a console), there's actually an alternative to Valve. (Nothing against Valve - it's just nice to have options in the shooter genre *other* than Valve.)
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Astargoth Rockin' Design
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:11 am

I too noticed that I had to adjust the brightness of my TV screen. You would have thought they changed that when they fixed the "press start" issue.
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:51 am

What games do you play and enjoy besides Crysis 1? Crysis 2 is a **** great game regardless of whether or not it's completely different than its predecessor. If you don't like what's different, don't bich at Crytek; just go jerk off to your precious 4 year old game. Developers get to choose how they make their games and they base that decision on market preferences since they are a business and want to maximize profits. Crytek gave the majority of the gaming community a game that they would enjoy and it has worked wonderfully. Crysis 2 has been received wonderfully by the console community and Crytek has made a great name for themselves in what is now one of the most competitive markets in the world.

AND BEFORE ANY N?AVE PERSON TRIES TO PULL OUT THE "look at the forums, people don't love this game" card:

NEWS FLASH DUMBASS, statistics have proved over the last 50 years that negative feedback ALWAYS gets voiced hundreds of times more powerfully than positive feedback. ALWAYS. When you eat at a restaurant, you return a bad dish but you simply eat a good one. The chef will always know who hated their meal, but will never truly know how much people enjoy it except for the rare person who sends their compliments to the chef. The video game industry is the same: if you dislike a game, you go to the forums and bich and complain just like all you people are doing while everyone who loves the game remains absorbed in the action. Why come and say "awesome game" whenyou can just play it? And millions of people are already playing and enjoying Crysis 2, and there are Maybe a few thousand complaining on the Internet.

My point: clearly Crysis 2 is a good game. The fact that you do not like it is your opinion, so do not act as of Crytek betrayed you. Video games are an industry and we are consumers. It's simple economics. Crytek win, complainers fail.

Ciao biches.
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:44 am

My point: clearly Crysis 2 is a good game. The fact that you do not like it is your opinion, so do not act as of Crytek betrayed you. Video games are an industry and we are consumers. It's simple economics. Crytek win, complainers fail.

Economics = profit.
Profit is decreased with poor reviews.
A vast majority of the game buyers will be PC players. As thats were there solid roots are.
Video game industry built by consumers. Are feedback is more powerful then their wallets.
Crytek has won a great game award. But has lost lots of respect from promises it has yet to dish out. And lost profit to simply having a buggy release.

Fact: Happy consumers make industry / game happy.
Fact: Poor feedback hurts sales. And hurts developers reputation.
Fact: Its a test for crytek to see how there game does on console. From what the other boards show, its not doing so well.

You can follow crytek to the bitter end. But its like having a best friend who keeps bailing on you for dumb reasons. You can keep your friend, but your trust / faith slowly diminishes.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:02 pm

I have brought 3 games in my entire life, yet I am a very active gamer, my love for Crysis 1 was unconditional and the teaser of Crysis2 gave me chills down my spine...

Ill say it short: As a PC gamer I regret buying this 'game' and I will be fighting for a refund, why?
*I cannot redeem my Limited Edition content WHICH I PAID FOR
*The multiplayer servers aren't even workin!
*"Addjust the brightness to fit you TV SCREEN" - thats just silly...
*"Press the start button" - are you serious?
*The settings - not much to talk about here, because there are almost none
*The game runs in DX9, a piece of software that is years and years old!! Crysis 1 ran on DX10!! And now the sequel after all this years runs on bloody DX9!?

If you still read that Press Start screen you don't have the patch installed which means you can't play MP
Theres also a workaround for the LE content...try it
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:20 pm

PC gamers are bug **** crybabies.
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Elle H
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:31 pm

My point: clearly Crysis 2 is a good game. The fact that you do not like it is your opinion, so do not act as of Crytek betrayed you. Video games are an industry and we are consumers. It's simple economics. Crytek win, complainers fail.

Economics = profit.
Profit is decreased with poor reviews.
A vast majority of the game buyers will be PC players. As thats were there solid roots are.
Video game industry built by consumers. Are feedback is more powerful then their wallets.
Crytek has won a great game award. But has lost lots of respect from promises it has yet to dish out. And lost profit to simply having a buggy release.

Fact: Happy consumers make industry / game happy.
Fact: Poor feedback hurts sales. And hurts developers reputation.
Fact: Its a test for crytek to see how there game does on console. From what the other boards show, its not doing so well.

You can follow crytek to the bitter end. But its like having a best friend who keeps bailing on you for dumb reasons. You can keep your friend, but your trust / faith slowly diminishes.

LOL. You have a very poor understanding of how it works. First: ECONOMICS DOES NOT EQUAL PROFIT. That is business, economics is the study of human activity and decisions. Currently, human activity has resulted in massive sales for Crysis 2. Second, poor reviews do hurt profits, too bad every review of Crysis 2 has been a good one, if not great. Vast majority PC gamers? Nope! I wish, because I have the PC copy but there are hundreds of thousands more sales reports on consoles than PC. you fail again.

I have zero brand loyalty to Crytek, I do not care whether it is them or Activision who makes the next great game. I play video games as a form of entertainment and if it's entertaining and high quality, I will pay for it. If not, I won't. SIMPLE.

Where do you get your information because you are wrong about everything you say haha. Are you just too young to know what you're saying or simply uneducated?
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Andrea P
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 5:30 pm

"PC gamers"? Certainly not me and I play on PC almost exclusively. You and a bunch of others are disappointed, that's fair, but don't drag everyone else in your pit of sorrow.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:49 pm

Did anyone post the workaround for the LE edition?
if not, here it is:


It's stupidly obvious, but there's no link on site anywhere.
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Aaron Clark
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:43 am

its true I have geforce 580 extreme settings and all looks ugly.game runs 200 FPS lol,coz my computer its so powerful and got nothing to do,LOL,coz of DX9,rubbish game,disapointed extremely.just checked install folder "bin32" its true DX9,lol,so Im goin to spread the word,DONT BUY THAT RUBBISH.
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:05 pm

"My point: clearly Crysis 2 is a good game. The fact that you do not like it is your opinion, so do not act as of Crytek betrayed you. Video games are an industry and we are consumers. It's simple economics. Crytek win, complainers fail. "

RIght and wrong They did promise it would look better then the 1st (lie) Promised game play was better (no lie) better AI too infact best AI yet. I like most other PC gamers are not happy because Crytek always stood for the best PC gaming company (single player) out there with advance graphic's to wow us. Now they're just another port company that work for PS3 and XBOX, thats fine its just sad to see them go.

Luckily for me I only paid 44 dollars for this (which is all I would pay for a ported game) had I paid $60 I would have been pissed but Crytek wouldn't care if I was pissed so it dosen't matter. Nothing anyone can do about it except not buy the next one Which I wont until the price falls to half. Since there is nothing I can do about I just hope its a Epic fail on the console's so I can feel good they **** them selves, but I dont think thats gonna happen.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:30 pm

The thing that bugs me the most is the sheer amount of bugs that directly affect the game itself

Single player: nano cata not working after some point

Multi player: account errors
Server errors
serial errors
stats tracking errors

All this are big errors that would be obvious if they actually put some care into polishing the pc version of the game pre launch, which we all know by now is not the case and they just port it over from console
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kristy dunn
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:50 pm

My point: clearly Crysis 2 is a good game. The fact that you do not like it is your opinion, so do not act as of Crytek betrayed you. Video games are an industry and we are consumers. It's simple economics. Crytek win, complainers fail.

Economics = profit.
Profit is decreased with poor reviews.
A vast majority of the game buyers will be PC players. As thats were there solid roots are.
Video game industry built by consumers. Are feedback is more powerful then their wallets.
Crytek has won a great game award. But has lost lots of respect from promises it has yet to dish out. And lost profit to simply having a buggy release.

Fact: Happy consumers make industry / game happy.
Fact: Poor feedback hurts sales. And hurts developers reputation.
Fact: Its a test for crytek to see how there game does on console. From what the other boards show, its not doing so well.

You can follow crytek to the bitter end. But its like having a best friend who keeps bailing on you for dumb reasons. You can keep your friend, but your trust / faith slowly diminishes.

You must be on Crack. The majority of the reviews have been stellar, since most reviewers are not biased fanboys that bich and moan just to hear themselves speak. The vast majority of game buyers are NOT PC gamers, that's why they are branching out to the console market. FACT: Console gamers buy way more games than PC gamers. Probably because they're not blowing their gaming budget on new hardware every 6 months.
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Kristian Perez
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:00 pm


Upon release, it wasn't the smartest move with DX9, but how can you be sure they won't fix it?
I'm sure they will, but if they dont (worst case scenario) they only need to read the forum posts to see what'll happen. Ouch.

I'd be crapping my pants if I was Crytek employee and saw the burning forums on here.
Hopefully, a job with Crytek is currently more than a 8-16 job.

Keep up the good work!
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:33 am

The ones that are disappointed are PC hardware enthusiasts (that have historically made up the PC FPS market), and, from their POV, I can understand why.

First off, Crysis 2 is not the hardware-eating graphical benchmark disguised as a shooter that the original Crysis (and Crysis Warhead) was.

Second, Crysis 2 is multiplatform. (Here's where my own concern was - usually multiplatform titles look bad-to-meh on the PC at *any* resolution or detail level.)

Thirdly, there are not a truckload of settings for adjusting the graphics within each area.

I have one thing to say about those three complaints (from my own point of view).

Thank goodness that Crytek actually listened!

First, Crysis 2 is not the hardware-eating graphical benchmark disguised as a shooter like Crysis was. However, it IS setting new standards for what a PC shooter at the defaults is supposed to look like. (No previous FPS for the PC - and that includes Metro 2033 - has looked as good at the defaults as Crysis 2 does. Not one.)

Second - despite it being multiplatform, Crysis 2 flat-out *nailed* the PC default settings. (That's often the biggest failing in a multiplatform title, and especially a shooter.)

Due to the first and second, the third doesn't happen (if you are into the single-player first off). The only reason to tweak is if you feel some strange need to - I am actually quite happy with *all* the settings - except gamma, which was the only one I changed. Where I am curious is *why* are the folks that are complaining about lack of tweaks *needing* to tweak?

If you're a hardware enthusiast, I get why you're bent out of shape. However, if you just want to install/activate/play (and not on a console), there's actually an alternative to Valve. (Nothing against Valve - it's just nice to have options in the shooter genre *other* than Valve.)

WHy don't you come over to my place & try to play it on my setup? You'll have a seizure after 30 seconds.
That's exactly how they "nailed it"...
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:03 am


Upon release, it wasn't the smartest move with DX9, but how can you be sure they won't fix it?
I'm sure they will, but if they dont (worst case scenario) they only need to read the forum posts to see what'll happen. Ouch.

I'd be crapping my pants if I was Crytek employee and saw the burning forums on here.
Hopefully, a job with Crytek is currently more than a 8-16 job.

Keep up the good work!

You have some good points. The pr from this is what kills developers. Hopefully they can turn it around but they need to act quick to do so. Problem with big releases like this most devs let there main staff go on holiday after release, leaving a skeleton crew.
Shold be interesting to see if crytec can repair the damage to there rep, or just burry they name and start over.
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Matthew Aaron Evans
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:44 pm

PC gamers are bug **** crybabies.

Yeah, expecting something better in a sequel to a game that set graphics standards to a new high, with newer technology available and having to shell out 60 bucks. How dare we expect a lot. This game stinks of port over fubars that lowers it's quality.

If I understand you correctly we should just be console-followers, bow and scrap at the feet of game developing dealers for our next fix. Or maybe you think we should act like little orphans begging the great developing head masters "please sir, more..."

I'm not saying we should be beating them to death but this port over stuff is getting old fast. Low quality is low quality, you PS3 and 360 gamers cannot match the power of a PC, and I for one am tired of getting your low quality left overs, especially on a game that was advertised as a PC game first and has its roots as a PC game, I don't like being lied too.

Either way, you sir can take a long walk off a short pier, enjoy your swim!
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:30 am

im sorry but BFBC 2 looks alot better and so does bulletstorm..
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