I find that funny (as a PC user). Why? Because programming for consoles is all about using the limited resources (since the hardware doesn't change over years and years) more efficiently. That's why Year 5 games are more amazing than Year 3 games are more amazing than Year 1 games - the programmers, having a stable hardware & OS platform to study, have learned how to do stuff more efficiently.
Meanwhile, over in PC land, they have historically not given a crap, because..... who cares? Users can always add more RAM, bigger HD, better GPU, etc. No need to control bloat, learn to stop programming wastefully, etc. (Note, I'm talking PC software development in general - it's ludicrous, for example, that a word processor can have a multi-hundred meg install, for instance.)
This past few years of cross-development between consoles & PCs has been a boon to gaming - the massive requirement bloat has been severely held down, compared to previous eras.
Despite doing so, you are still severely limited by the hardware.
Lets say we have Anti-Matter and Coal to burn wood to generate energy.
Anti-Matter (we'll call this consoles (not that accurate an anology, but bear with me) has 100 pounds of wood to burn at 100% efficiency. Lets say that generates 100 arbitrary units of energy.
Coal (way understated) has 1000 pounds of wood to burn at 70 percent efficiency. 700 arbitrary units of energy are created. And that is 10x the power, which is what a mid-high end PC can easily achieve.
Obviously Coal (PC) wins. And in reality, console games aren't being programmed more efficiently.
Consider this:
Consoles run games at 720p (or in many cases, lower). 1280x720 is a very low resolution for a modern computer, as a modern computer will usually have 1080p or 1650x1050 or something along those lines.
Lower resolution = massive performance gain.
Consoles also have no/cheap anti-aliasing which is the reason for all of those excessive jagged edges (Halo 3 is a massive offender).
Their textures are also
EXTREMELY low resolution. I don't know how I can stress this enough. It gives devs an excuse to slack off and put bad resolution textures on the PC side.
Everything is set on low.
That means it is extremely easy to get good performance.
It's not all just about graphics though.
They need to dumb things down for the consoles to function properly. Most developers call this streamlining, but look at DA2. They need to limit functions that a player can carry out so that they can map it onto the controller.
And that is not good for evolving gameplay.