Why would you want to wait until 2014 for Skyrim (which is the year generally being floated as when the so-called 'next generation' of console hardware starts apprearing? Assuming it appears even then)? Remember, =NONE= of the hardware makers are actually selling their rigs at a profit; not Sony, not MS, not Nintendo, none of them. Certainly not when released, and for several years afterwards. The games are where they compensated, and through number of units sold. And they extend the life of that hardware long beyond what they should. A simple, half the price of the system drop in proprietary video card upgrade would advance that hardware to the point where more robust games could be creatd. But they simply won't do that, as it violates their business model.
How -this- PC gamer feels is simple: bitter and frustated. For the past 3 years at least you have had 4+gigs of system ram standard. 64 bit addressing, standard. GPU's with double to quadruple the total ram in any console as standard and dedicated for video purposes. 7:1 sound. IR and bluetooth remotes for keyboard and mouse, ending the 'but I hate the cables!' bit. HMDI outputs or converters on all high end, most midrange, and even some budget video cards. I don't count those who own a 10 year old Dell, do email and very slow web surfing in that statement, as those who do are not gamers....except in the most casual of ways. And I'm not talking about bleeding edge power gamers. Those are the extremes; the former would do just as well with a smartphone or tablet, the latter wouldn't be happy if they didn't have -something- they had to nitrogen cool......
But unless a game studio is dedicated PC, then every game out there that is multiplatform is crippled to 5 year old, incomplete hardware. Because the levels have to run acceptably on the weakest hardware. So does the AI. Physics. Loading mechanisms. UI. All of it has to work in the weakest footprint. And you can't just have 'extras there for the big kids', as extra code for more robust systems can lead to an endless plethora of bugs and issues.
Then there is the devastation wrought by the console Borg. Ready the wayback machine, Sherman, and return us to the time when the PS2 was sixy, and the Xbox first came out. There were a couple of dozen PC game studios, at least. Some not so good. Others new....and with new ideas. My favorite example of that is Drakan; order of the Flame. No other game at that time let you ride a dragon. Fight other dragons either solo, or online. The beginnings of a decent story. Then they were snapped up by a holdng company, and shifted over to console. Solely. The next game was a flop; one because it was so truncated and watered down it wasn't any good, but more importantly, because they had ditched their PC fans, who were growing in number. A lot of those game makers were gobbled up and vanished forever as they were downsized, consolidated, and micro-managed by fools who had no clue about the gaming industry. Never mind any love for it. gamesas was actually one of the very few survivors of that massacre. A recent example of this behavior would be Sin. Finally out the door, actually building a fanbase, bought up and it looks like part 1 is all the parts we'll ever see.
It is not pleasant when nigh onto every game you see can be defined as crippleware. And yes, I know that due to development cycles it can take 18-36 months for a new generation of whatever to begin to take hold. We're past that on a lot of things.....but those things keep getting left off, as 'the consoles don't support it'.
It will not be easy in 2-3 years when the so called 'next generation' consoles come out, to keep from stomping on some console kiddie with ' Gee whiz. My system could do that 6 years ago. Twice as fast'.
Gaming used to be a frontier, where the Carmacks played and we all benefited. Now it's rapidly approaching lowest common denominator-ism. And it hasn't slammed into that pile of uncreative sludge yet........