» Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:47 am
First point of business... Gaming Better on PC (or at least should be)
Xbox 360 released 2005, PS3 released 2006... Gaming hardware is an antique technologically speaking as half a decade would essentially confirm. The hardware these consoles are running on is at least 3 generations 3-5 generations old. You know about Atari? That's cuz thats at most 1 generation old... and yet its still an antique... Sorry Consolers... you really should be consoled because ur console should be buried in a grave somewhere...
But its not... why?
Because game developers realize they can save money by putting out cheaply developed games running on ancient engines that won't tax the hardware of your obsolete consoles... and they do just that... Why is the UT3 engine still kicking around? oh thats right, because consoles would not be able to run a newly developed engine... CASE IN POINT: THIS GAME RIGHT HERE, CRYSIS 2... Cryengine 3... A consoler may say this engine is amazing, revolutionary, an intense improvement on engines presently out for CONSOLES... PC Gamers know better... it pales in comparison to the Cryengine 2... at least thats what we've only been allowed to see so far since they are lagging behind on the DX11 development...
The song goes "video killed the radio star"... Consoling is killing gaming
You however say Piracy is killing gaming... lets address this issue
Presently even consoles can be hacked or modded to run pirated games... So why do PC gamers get all the heat for it... Oh, I forgot, its easier on PC because PC piracy is completely free where as Console piracy means a consumer still gotta buy a game... Sounds like Consolers are just bitter at the ease at which PC gamers can pirate... beside the point... Piracy happens on all platforms, why do PC gamers have to suffer alone? And why do we have to suffer like we are all guilty of piracy... What happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? ... The approach taken by developers like EA is that all PC gamers are guilty until proven innocent, and that innocence will be proven when the pay upfront for a game that is at most half completed...
Yes we have a right to complain... Just as anyone who was promised something, relied on that promise, and suffered some detriment from reliance on that promise... I am like many of the others on this forum who ACTUALLY BOUGHT this game going on all the media that they had been slinging about this game... Like many others, I LOVED Crysis... LOVED Warhead... but when I heard about this game being released on console, I gasped in sheer disappointment. My first thought was that here comes another port... but Crytek assured us the PC was completely separated development... LIES... what we got was indeed another port which hardly lives up to the name of Crysis...
To all you consolers... congrats... you got a great game that fits your poorly limited hardware as well as your poorly limited mind... please realize if you all started to demand more, there would already be an Xbox 720 or a PS4... but you are satisfied with your limitations... Excuses us PC gamers for not compromising our standards in such a passive way... NO!! instead we will tell a company when they have disappointed us.... Especially when we were their audience, and may I remind you, their ONLY audience as Crysis and Warhead were PC EXCLUSIVES!!!... but we shared em with you consolers... we showed you what gaming could be like, and you desired what we had... you demanded what we had... and you were given sadly a product that you believe is what we had... but sadly, it is less than what we had... we're glad we still have what we had *crysis and warhead) but we are still waiting for what we were promised... what we should HAVE.... and what you consolers will NEVER HAVE until the next console war...
Oh, and one last note... All your console games are developed on PCs with hardware far superior... so a question is raised as to why pay for such a system if its not even being used to its potential to create a game...
And as for people who can't write english, please do not reply to this as you most likely have misread everything written and thus would be replying ignorantly...
Oh, and the wii was excluded in this argument simply because its got horribly limited graphics hardware... and yet its still a tonne of fun to play... ingenuity and innovation... keeps nintendo kicking... wish more game developers adopted that model...