Personally I wasn't too pleased with their removal of some of the battlefields, and the lack of spacecraft in any land battles like in Battlefront II. I loved flying an LAAT in the Battle of Geonosis in BF1.
Even with that, however, I'd still say it's a big improvement from the Star Wars Battlefront. And they named Anakin/Darth Vader's clonetrooper/stormtrooper legion after the costuming organization. Which I still need to get around to joining.
I agree I really missed the Naboo Field level, I don't remember what it was called but it was a massive open plain on naboo. I really did like being able to have dog fights over the battlefield to. Also missed the Tatooine lvl that wasn't mos eisley. I just wish that BF3 didn't get thrown out, would probably have been epic.
When Pandemic got bought out by EA, EA closed them down and some other company got the rights and they decided to just throw it away. Pretty damn stupid!