I rarely buy games at full price, owing to an epic backlog. :wacko: Really. The last game I pre-ordered / paid full price for (prior to this past month) was Left 4 Dead 2. Which came out in 2009. And before that...I actually can't remember.
If I do pay full price for a game, it's because it's one I'm really looking forward to and want to play on release day, and there's just not that many games I feel that strongly about. With most I'm willing to wait for a sale. This year, on the other hand...I've already got pre-orders in on:
Portal 2
Crysis 2 (...although this one wasn't technically "full price"--I used an Amazon gift card when I pre-ordered, so it was only $38USD instead of almost $60.)
I'll most likely pre-order Skyrim when that becomes an option, although I don't know if I'll splash out on the CE. Almost pre-ordered Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood full price, too, since Ubisoft finally scaled their DRM back to something approaching sanity. But then I realized the PC version of AC:B comes out three days before Crysis 2, and I still haven't played AC2. So...you lose, Ubisoft.

Better luck next time.