At OP, look at and know that what you ask for has been doled out already. I mean come on, it's right there in front of you, open your eyes man. :hubbahubba:
Fallout 3's women weren't so bad with cloths on either, but the "nvde" models for both men and women looked awful. Putting white shirts on all of the guys and giving the girls undetailed bodies was pretty lame.
Type 3-
For the Bethesda version, look at how flat and bland her skin is! Her boobs seem a bit weird and they didn't even bother to give her toes! And yeah, the shoulders are awful too.
As long as Skyrim's women are faithful to human anatomy, I'll be fine with them. No muddy faces, no green lips on black people, no textureless skin, no toeless feet, etc. haha