In order to keep this site safe and fun for everyone please read and adhere to the following rules at all times when present on this site.
Do not use usernames, signatures or avatars that:
Do not write private messages and/or e-mails that:
Do not create threads or contributions that:
- - Include spam or advertisemants.
- - Are racist or hateful.
- - Are hostile, vulgar, excessively violent or contains excessive language.
- - Are illegal.
- - Are sixually orientated.
- - Link to or reference hacks or hack websites.
- - Hijack or maliciously affect users' computers.
- - Labels others as cheaters/boosters. "Naming & shaming" is not welcomed.
General Rules:
- - This site supports English only. Please only use English. If English is not your language, please use a translator.
- - Users are allowed one account. Multiple accounts will be banned.
- - Do not impersonate Crytek staff. This includes the use of admin avatars and/or names.
- - Private messages are private so do not publicly post content from PMs. If you need to report a PM the functionality is there to do so.
- - Signatures are not to be included in your posts. Signature functionality is disabled to keep threads clutter-free so please don't attempt to circumvent this.
- - NB: Terms of Service rules may also be applicable.
These rules will be enforced at moderators' discretion and are subject to change.