I was able to connect to gamesas, using "RoTh_W3ll3s"+"a" or "A" +"a". So "RoTh_W3ll3s" and "A" were linked.
For the demo i used to connect and play with this username, but using a password "b". Without creating any new account ingame nor at gamesas. How was it possible to use this kind of fake credentials ?
My today issue:
i've connected yesterday to this gamesas account. I don't remember if i've connected using " RoTh_W3ll3s"+"a" or "A" +"a", but i was then connected to this account.
I've tried to change my gamesas password, validated, unchanged, back to "a"
Later i've made changes i don't remember, but something is now broken.
i can connect at gamesas with:
"RoTh_W3ll3s" + "a" or "A" + "b".
But nor with "RoTh_W3ll3s" + "b", nor with "A" + "a"
I cant' get "a" changed: i mean, even if i validate the change to "b", it still "a", because i can't connect using "b", but "a".
And i can't get "b" changed either. I can connect to the " A" profile. But only if I use the one-time login for the email "A" account. I get then the password modification page, with "Hi, A , welcome back" on the top right of the page. But even if the modification is done, i can't then click on ""A" (in "Hi, A , welcome back"), nor Edit my profile: the website considers i'm not really connected, i get "You must sign in at the top of the page in to use the forums" and i'm not logged on this page. I have to go to the homepage to be connected as "A", and then logout.
How can I restore the association "RoTh_W3ll3s"+ "A" + "a" ?
I can't delete the "A" profile, as i can't access the Edit function.
I want to keep "RoTh_W3ll3s" as my gamesas profile, associated with "A", and change finally "a" password to "b".
Another strange thing: using my Gamespy account and password ( which is "b" in fact), i've been able to connect to gamesas. In fact gamesas as created an account (as stated by the Welcome Page and the Welcome pm) ,while i was only using the "Sign In", not "Create Account"