Well for starters what they did to DA2 was bad, the animations looked terrible, a dude fighting with a 2 handed weapon like he is swinging a knife?, this is Dragon Age or this is Final Fantasy?... but i think he was refering to the DA:I disaster mostly...
Fact is, DA has being watered down each release and each new release does something that hurts the entire picture... DA 2 is a far better game than DA:I in terms of gameplay, only a few things are better in Inquisition, in fact if DA:2 had the graphics and the scenery of DA:I would have been a worthy game called Dragon Age, but sadly DA:I is mediocre, not GOTY material AT ALL, someone paid for that, GOTY of that year is definitely DOS no doubt.
And that leads to another fact, DA:O is the best game of the series and will stay the same forever since EA has destoryed Bioware, nothing good can come out of that company anymore.