Can't post links or images so maybe someone else wants a go.
2 images of synths, and one of a Charles River location (I think).
Can't post links or images so maybe someone else wants a go.
2 images of synths, and one of a Charles River location (I think).
The ship is interesting, looks WW1 vintage from what I can see.
They made twice as many game assets for Fallout 4 than they did for Skyrim. Nice. And the concept art looks really good. Screw the Pipboy, I want that art book.
nice to get a proper view on the synths and a clearer understanding on what androids in Fallout looks like.
I love the different layers to the Generation 2 Synth.
Of course, this really isn't a surprise, all signs have pointed to it. Now here is even further proof that androids, and their oppression, are going to be the main theme in FO4. The main quest will most likely be all about android freedom fighting and enslaving, but whether your character is a replicant is still up for debate.
not confirmed, but it does make the theory stronger.
Great art. And great news about the amount of game assets.
I lol again at people jumping to conclusions. How does concept/design art in any way convey that WE will be a synth? It would be a lot less interesting concept are to show a regular guy standing there haha we know there will be synthetic humans but still have no idea to what capacity. How do these people live their lives being so swayed by the simplest of things to just jump to definite conclusions?
Nice. Liking the way those androids look. Now I have a huge desire for a fallout 4 artbook.
Ehh I don't mind that. If there's one sci fi cliche/story I don't mind its the whole "should androids be considered people too?" stuff. Yeah its overdone but it still never fails to bring me entertainment. Plus it will undoubtedly spawn a whole lot of discussion.
Not confirmed, though definitely implied and completely expected.
It's disconcerting to be honest, a developer universally criticized for it's poor writing, deciding to use some of the most banol subject matter in sci-fi and we are just hoping they have the writing ability to eschew the numerous cliches ahead?
Just seems like everyone is ready to jump on it because of the 200 year thing and we're now seeing concept/design art for synths. But we've also seen stuff for aliens and ghouls so idk how this "makes the theory stronger".
As good as the concept art looks, it doesnt strike me really as the retro-futuristic 50s vision of the future. How it fitts Fallout as setting? We have to wait and see I guess. But Androids are more a theme for Mass Effect or a Post Apoc game that isn't structured like Fallout. I just don't see why anyone would waste resources in a wasteland and world like Fallout to make ... Androids. I mean, why bother?
Anyway. I really hope they will explore more the methaphysics of Androids. And the implications of what it means. The Androids are robot people too! Is really overdone at this point. Probably one of the most used Sci Fi cliches ever.
Folks, there is a whole section dedicated to discussing the writing and gameplay in all the different games in this series but this thread is one to discuss some new art that was released. Can we please discuss that and not drag this topic so many threads seem to travel down?
Want to compare at all one game and the next or the writing...., do so in an appropriate thread.
The new androids look really nice. We got a glimpse of them in action in the Atom Bomb Baby trailer, but that was just a glimpse. I cannot wait to see these things in action. Does anyone here remember the Concept Art of Skyrim video? Seeing everything in the art and then being brought to life ingame still makes me tear up a little bit. I wonder how involved their speaking roles will be.
I have now removed a slew of off topic posts. Hopefully that will now assure we stay on topic.
Really liked the Bridge picture. Made it my Wallpaper right away. In it, there is a man standing underneath the bridge on the left support who seems to have a glowing face. Another Android or type of synth maybe?
I can't wait to see the different variations. things like Synth "Stalkers" (recon units), Heavily armored, or larger models, etc would be really cool!
I think the synths look cool. Kinda think they clash with the retro look of Fallout tech but I guess we've had 200 years to advance. I like the ship's style. I think the ship graveyards and docks will be cool places to explore, so long as there aren't too many mirelurks ready to corner me like Pinkerton's broken bow.