I'm going to the one at the Jacksonville Mall in Jacksonville, NC on the 9th
I'm going to the one at the Jacksonville Mall in Jacksonville, NC on the 9th
I still have to see if my local GS is doing one. It's a small store in a small town so there's no guarantee. They did have one for Skyrim though, the first and only midnight release I've been to.
It depends, I may have to work the graveyard on the 9th. I'm probably just going to wait until it opens the next day and grab some chinese food on the way back.
I would but mine is getting delivered to my home.
Same as Lobs^
Semi-related question: I pre-ordered a physical copy from Gamestop. Are they in the habit of emailing activation keys so you can start downloading and playing on Steam before you get the actual game in the mail? I'm fine either way as I have Tuesday and Wednesday, but it'd be awesome to start up the game shortly after midnight.
I'll be at home playing come midnight, once Steam does the final activation of the pre-loaded game.
I haven't been to a Gamestop in a long time.
These days I either purchase my games digitally or order them from Amazon.
I have the Pipboy edition preordered at Amazon.
Not sure if I want to just play the digital copy I reserved on PSN immediately at unlock or if I should go to the store and pick up the strategy guide to immediately start hunting the perk magazines and bobbleheads from the start so I don't inadvertently waste perk points of perks I can get free instead.....that could cost me the ability to reach all 10s in all SPECIAL and have lots of awesome perks too.
I remember when I used to go to Midnight releases. But as Detective Murtaugh put it, "I'm too old for that s**t."
Get off work at 10:30 with an hour drive home to go stand in line and grab mine at midnight
I went to the midnight release of Fallout-3 and there were people in costume waiting in line (nothing too elaborate like power armor).... was a neat experience but I was super tired and of course once they gave us our copies everyone fled home to play it. Not an experience I really care to repeat.
For Fallout-4 (a) I'm too old for that shtuff /Murtaugh and ( b ) there ISN'T a brick-and-mortar store in my town any more, I think. And I suppose © I've got the digital version from Steam anyway (did not want to risk Amazon delivering it late since I have vacation days set aside).
EDIT: Dang it, Ruthven beat me to the line. Typing at work means LOTS of breaks to look busy
I preordered a physical copy from my local Gamestop. I like to support my local business when I can, and was planning to go to the midnight release. However, we all know there will be some type of day one patch or download, and since my internet is like two cans and a string, I also ordered a digital copy off of Xbox marketplace and hope it downloads and is ready to go at 12:01 am on Nov 10.
Yeah I generally don't go there except for 3DS games. I know I can download a lot of those now also, but I often trade in my 3DS games. I don't think you can even trade in a PC game anymore, so digital is just more convenient.
Yea, if I didn't have a PC I would be at a midnight release for Fallout 4, definitely.
As I've paid for my copy I get to skip the queue at midnight! I just walk in with my issued number & they hand over the game... no waiting... no fuss... job done. I literally live around the corner from the store, so I estimate I'll be playing anytime between midnight & 12:30am. Depending how much sleep I get prior too midnight, I'll probably be looking at a 24 hr session.
The Gamestop near me does midnight releases great. They basically have two lines: a "I've already preordered" line and a "I need to purchase" line. You can purchase the game before midnight, and they'll give you a receipt and pickup ticket, then you go stand in the preorder line. At midnight you hand your ticket, they hand you the game. For Skyrim's midnight launch, I preordered and arrived 10 min early and left by 12:05. There were probably 500 people there at midnight. It was fantastic
Edit for clarity
The only time I been to a Gamestop midnight release was Dishonored. I don't remember them doing anything special, like give out freebies or w/e. But the line was wrapped around the 4 buildings, including Starbucks. Which was open late, giving out free coffee (not a fan of coffee) through the drive thru. It felt like forever waiting to get my game. Not doing that ever again. So no. My copy is being mailed to me.
Does anyone know for certain that if you pre-purchase from STEAM that you can download it early? Honestly the perk poster does nothing for me so not sure I really have to have the physical copy anyway.