I actually bought all three versions, the PC, the Xbox360, AND the PS3! ( and the deluxe guidebook! )
It is clear that the PS3 version is broken. I was getting the same slideshows that many are showing on YouTube. What is VERY worrying to me is that now that I am 80 hours into the Xbox360 version, the same thing is starting to happen!
My friend also showed me how the Xbox360 version corrupted his hard drive and he had to buy a new one. :brokencomputer:
So I had enough, and decided to give GameStop a whirl. The manager did not even haggle or anything, he said they were 'aware' of the issues the PS3 version is having and that he just today got the authority from HIS manager to give back full store credit - OR if a customer asks - full CASH refunds.
GameStop NEVER does this, and I spoke more with the manager. He plays the game as well, and he owns the 360 version. I described the problems I was having and he said he is 110 hours in and is having the same problems, a so called 'slideshow'. He was a tad upset because his 'mage was broken in the last patch' ( I guess the spell protection thingy? )
I was impressed by this manager. It feels good to have the cash in my pocket. I can't remember GameStop giving cash back for a game, can anyone?!!? Anyone else get their cash back? Anyone else even try yet?