Is gaming becoming to expensive? Fallout 4 $100

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:11 am

If money is your concern get out of PC gaming or stick with indies.

AAA PC gaming is not for the faint of heart or pocket.


But price wise gaming has never been cheaper.
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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:05 am

Seems to me the OP is confusing gaming costing too much, with PC HW costing too much and needing to upgrade too often.

I buy a console about one every 10 years.
Gaming isn't expensive where I sit
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:26 pm

As I sit here at my desk, listening to Simon and Garfunkel sing Bridge Over Troubled Water, chewing on a chocolate brownie Grandma's cookie, all I can do is smile to myself. But yeah, none of it really trips my trigger. Sorry about that.

Hold on ... they're singing The Boxer now ...

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:58 pm

My total for Fallout 4 and season pass worked out to $68.00. Best value (I am expecting) of anything I have bought this year. Shop around.

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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:23 am

Waiting for updates on El Condor Pasa :tops:

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alicia hillier
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:06 pm

OP, if you're running that low end of a PC now, why not just get a console? Previous gen lasted 8 years between 360 and One and the 360 is still going with some new releases. $400 and you're mostly set for a long time. I know some will argue all this but you'll spend what to get your PC up to even console level performance? I priced just cpu, gpu, and ram to meet minumum specs for FO4 and came to like $520 and that's not including all the other stuff needed. Just don't see the appeal of building a PC to pretty much meet console specs for likely double the price

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Annick Charron
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:09 am

Depends where he lives. If he's in Australia, or some third world country, it could easily be $100.

And here I am paying the equivalent of 53 USD. Yay for UK price wars!

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:03 am

Technically speaking I spent $1,500.00 to play Fallout 4, before I even ordered two copies of the game, one physical and one digital, and plan to order the season pass as well. I bought a new TV, and new 1 tb Xbox One. The Xbox will now let me play most of my 360 games, plus any new One games I want, and the TV can be used for all the other things you use a TV for. So I can't technically call it Fallout expenses even though its the only reason I bought them. I bought 2 copies because I just know when I get home a little after midnight with my new game there will be some download that will take my slow ass internet hours, if not a day, to download. So buying the digital copy will hopefully allow me to have it downloaded and ready at midnight.

Now with that said, $60 is nothing for the number of hours I intend to play this game. If Fallout 3 is anything to go by, I will be playing this game for 7 years. Spread even that $1,500 out over 7 years, and it is still a drop in the bucket. Ever go karting? That can run you $25 for just 12 minutes of fun. Want to spend the day driving on a race track? $250-$300 for a day, plus fuel, tires, brakes and other wear and tear.

Gaming is CHEAP!

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Imy Davies
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:19 am

Well, he said $, so I assumed he lives in a country that accepts $ as an acceptable form of payment =)

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Angela Woods
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:11 am

I'd rather be a human than a ghoul

Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would

On topic I have considered just getting a PS4 and HDTV and setting it up somewhere just for games, but there are still so many PC exclusive games I want to have. But maybe those STEAM machines ... I don't know. Still costly for sure but I'll make due for now.

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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:09 am

I don't play too many games, maybe one a year,; but the ones I do play, I play a lot. So, paying full price on release day is worth it for me.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:58 am

ohh i totally agree with u, i just pointing that this price arent something new, 90 or 100$ is what u normally end paining for game when u buy all the DLC. I agree with u about separate product and no a part of cut core game, that was one of the stuff i hate more about ME3, how they make u paid for DLC about the alien companion, and he was part of the core game play after seeing how much involvement he have on the main quest.

That is why im not getting the season pass right now, i will wait for the first DLC to come out check it, and if i like it i maybe get the season pass, and save 10$.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:10 am

Not sure where you shop at. I can get Fallout 4 at Amazon or Gamestop for 60.00 . Another 30.00 for the dlc thing.

I have bought and paid for Morrowind 4 times :lmao:

New 3 of those times..

60.00 is not too much for me..

You must decide for yourself though.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:45 pm

Let an old Geezer tell you about the good ol' days of PC gaming. My first real gaming rig was bought to play Wing Commander and while the base system was a mail order, I added many of the components myself.

  • 8MHz 8086 (PC-XT compatible).
  • 20MB HD with dual 360k floppies
  • 640K memory (I added a 2MB extended memory board).
  • First gen ATI VGA graphics card
  • NEC Muti-Sync XL 15" monitor

The above was well over $2200. I hate to even discuss the amount of money I have spent on PC gaming since then....

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:48 am

Canada is 79.99 for the retail price and then with the Season Pass it is over $100. If the person is getting the guide with it that is likely another $20 or $30.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:51 pm

79.00 Canadian dollars

We did the conversion..That equals 61.00 American dollars.

So about the same.

Australia however is 99.00 . That's for the basic game.


Converts to 71.92 US Dollars still more.

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maya papps
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:16 pm

Damn. Reminds me of my old Tandy 1000 TX. My first real gaming rig. Used to play Red Baron on it and Empire. Floppy drives .... yeah I don't miss those. I forget now what that thing cost.

Thing is you can get Skyrim Legendary edition for $40 now and you can catch it on a STEAM sale for half that price. If money is an issue and your PC isn't ready anyway, waiting isn't a bad option.

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Sarah Kim
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:18 am

Yep.. that's all I keep thinking also.. Pc games/console games. Nothing had a fixed price. It was completely random as to what you'd pay for games. Some games like Star Ocean were outrageously priced when they came out. (I can't remember what it was but I remember I couldn't afford it.) Now, at least in the u.s., it's $60.. if you're paying over $60 then you should be able to realize you're being ripped off.

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sam westover
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:25 am

Don't be :D

Doesnt affect anyone really. Now that Bethesda has played most of their hand, what exactly is missing then? Fallout 4 needs mutated salmon?

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:08 pm

Well like I said I would like to know more about the world we'll be playing in. That interest me more than how much gore we can make out of a raider (that honestly gets old really fast). I know we have different areas, but not a lot known about them, we have weather, but again not much known about it, etc.

EDIT: Concerning Prices. Deus Ex is on sale at STEAM for a $1.39. A new mod released today updates the game.

I know what I'll be doing tonight. Loved that game when it first came out so really looking forward to this.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:41 pm

Blanked- misread what I was responding to.

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Adrian Morales
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:02 am

You're mixing up system ram and graphics card ram. :) FO3's graphic card requirement was something like 256mb.

But otherwise.... yeah, games aren't that different in price than 10 years ago, when we payed 40-50 and then 30+ for the expansion. And upgrading your whole computer has always been a drain on cash. (I know that I certainly enjoyed how the last gen consoles being around so long, kept the PC "arms race" slow. It's just the last year or two, as we move on to the new gen, that PC requirements have been climbing hard again.)

The economy being svcky, and effective income not rising as fast as inflation? Yeah, that's a problem. But it's not one for the computer hardware & game companies to solve. They have their own expenses. :shrug:

(Meanwhile, I remember buying comic books for $0.40... now they're $4+. I remember when the "expensive" burgers at McD/BK/Wendy's were $2.25, now they're $4.50+. Paperback books used to be $3, not $7+. Most things I can think of have gotten more expensive by a much higher % than computer games have.)

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Tania Bunic
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:42 am

I just consider it the price of gaming these days. $49.99 $59.99? $10 more isn't a defining factor whether I buy a game I'm interested in or not. It's 1. Game 2. Developer that I look at, we all know that any AAA title will be $60 most of the time with DLC being in the $30'ish range except for EA being $50 usually as is the case with Battlefront, but games like Battlefield or Battlefront are guaranteed to have 4-5 DLC drops as they're only weapons/map packs.

So I have no issue throwing $60

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:39 pm

Yeah the good'ol days of truly getting gouged...I remember buying C64 games for a lot more then now. I actually that [censored] Vectrex system when I was 10 or 11 lol...Oh the horror, and those games were like $50+ I think...

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James Potter
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:52 am

Well, in the UK pricing is as follows:
Typical new game (like mad max) = £45
Typical "limited edition" = £55 - £75

Fallout 4 = £55

I think its fair, to be honest; if you look at mad max, MGS V, ect it seems to be a standardised action kind of ecperience..

From what Bethesda claim fallout 4 is massive with a tonne of inticrate systems and options open to the player that will allow 400+ hours of gameplay (piled with the amount of character roles, roleplaying possiability and stuff thats in bethesdas RPGs easily timsing that by 10 for an avid fans)

Being the first decent western RPG and especially given bethesdas fame for replayability.. Id say the slightly increased price will be worth it..
Saying that; im on xbox one, the only game thats new to us (GTA, destiny isnt.. Witcher 3's design is very different from my liking; being made to make the player feel always the weaker party throughout) is dead rising 3.. Which is awful for co-op, boring after a good few hours and is 2 years old near enough..
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