I'm a budget minded gamer, a few games i buy right away others i wait. Sadly fallout 4 is being added to my very long wait list. I'm running a computer that is 5 ish years old. A good running 8800 xfx with an impresive 512mb of ram, no where enough to run fallout 4. Now i could get a better card, but i only have a 500watt power supply then there's ram only 5gb. I don't exacly have 800 dollars sitting around to build a half decent computer (done the homework).Plus my computer works fine, i don't have a huge desire to upgrade. Now the cost is insane a hundred dollars for Fallout 4. I did buy fallout 3 multiple times. Mind you i did trade in gears of war two for fallout three (360) then traded it in for fallout 3 (pc) So i didn't spend much for Fallout 3 Gaming is becoming a very expensive hobby, one i might just have to back out of.