Fable 2: It took everything that was wrong with Fable and made it worse and more plentiful.
It also removed anything fun from #1.
Red Dead Redemption
i thought "Oh yes Grand theft auto in the wild west, this might actually be a good idea!".
The physics and graphics in the game were great, but everything else felt blah. It didn't have that "Rockstar Game" feel to it, for a game in the west, it was very clean, and you basically played a good guy when it came to the story, which half of it was living ordinary cowboy life, i want to rob banks, not gather cattle.
I liked it more than GTA in the west, its got faults, but its a good game, great plot, just wish my morality effected it or had a choice like GTA IV.
Also GTAIV the one thing I think of when I see that game "Coousin beeeg Ammeeeerican teee teees". Hated it.
Borderlands, so [censored] repetative .
Bioshock 2 /Overlord 2 cant even hold a candle to the originals.
Just cause 2, everyone said fun, it was boring.
Mass effect 2, I am dissapointed they wont make a U turn and are keeping the current system from 2 for 3. If it wasnt for wanting to learn the ending of the story, the game would be dead to me.