Really? me too. I been pushing F5 a lot today.
also, I read all that, I just don;t care enough to type a well written response to it.
You think things I said are wrong, I don't care what you think.
That's fine, because I don't
think things you said are wrong. Things you said are wrong, period. I know this. I know it because I can prove it. You made several statements that are
provably false. Again, you tell me what source you need for any of the ones I've contested and I will give it to you. Not that I expect you to - I'm fairly certain that you know most of what you've said is wrong at this point, so asking me to prove any of them specifically would more or less sink you here.
Seeing as we have that down pat, Ill agree to disagree with you.
Not quite good enough, sorry. I'm not going to just let things settle. You've said things that are blatantly false, and you are now attempting to avoid admitting it. Not going to let you do that - at the very least, I'm going to make sure that you keep deflecting like this, if only to make it apparent that you can do nothing else.
Mostly because I don;t agree with anything you have said, well ok some of it I do. But for the most part we are not going to see eye to eye now or never.
This is not a matter of disagreement or differing opinions. This is not a matter of you liking something I don't like. This is a matter of you saying things that are wrong. Things that, again, you almost certainly know are wrong by now. This is also a matter of you continuously trying to deflect from the fact that the things you stated were wrong.
The reason we aren't seeing eye to eye is because you made statements that are
false, and I didn't accept them. Again, this is because
they are bunk.
My opinion is that you're claim that my claims are false are you're opinion.
Then you very clearly don't know what an opinion actually is.
Also, what I said about opinions still stands true.
And it still has literally nothing to do with this thread.
Regardless of if I am wrong or right (so I am likely wrong) this thread entertains me, and is relative to my interest..
Also, post proof, because I am bored, and so are you. so if you are bored go find the links and you won;t be bored and I can read them and not be bored.
So tell me what to post proof of.
Proof of Steam sales of games being higher than PSN/XBLA sales? Because again, that's not possible. There's absolutely no numbers in
either direction on that one - it's a "fact" you literally made up on the spot.
Proof that PC OSes, which are several orders of magnitude larger and more complex than console OSes, and need to do a virtually infinitely broader number of things than console OSes, are not as stable as the simpler, less general console OSes? Because again, I can provide sources for this, things like bugs, known security flaws, and patch notes across different systems (though the fact that you don't understand why it's virtually impossible for your PC's OS to be more stable than a console's OS implies to me that you wouldn't actually understand why those numbers are significant).
Or going back to the other points I've made... Metro 2033 being poorly optimized? Bit tough to prove since people don't generally benchmark games on lower-than-max settings, but
Being able to play in 1080p on consoles? See... most XBLA and PSN releases, which do so. I'm not sure how to provide a link to nearly every game on both. There are also some retail titles that do it on both, but they're rarer.
Or... maybe the claim that consoles can, in fact, play music at the same time as games? You said you had a 360, and that was one of the 360's major advertised features - I find it pretty hard to believe that you owned one and didn't know that it does it with
every game.
Just Cause 2 cutting out over half its market with DX10? (just shortly before the game's release, with Steam adoption of that kind of thing generally being higher than the norm) good enough?
Pointing out that more than "a few people" pirate games? Uh... really, not even going to bother. This is kind of simple.
The fact that modding consoles costs money and takes effort, so it's not comparable to PC piracy? Again, sort of common knowledge (and unfortunately, the kind that I can't link to anything discussing since that's against forum rules), but you yourself already made it apparent in a prior post that you know what it involves so you know this was correct.
How about Rockstar not really being a PC developer anymore? for a list of the games they've released and will be releasing, or do I need to go digging in Mobygames?
Games not selling anything but old games? Computers, once again
general use devices, being harder to use than consoles, machines that are built specifically so that you can put a disc in and immediately be playing whatever's on that disc? Games being bought digitally through online stores being... digital?
I'm not understanding why it is, exactly, that you have such a hard time admitting what's happened here. Someone said something ridiculous. You responded by disagreeing, and then you made up
very nearly everything that came after that expecting people to just accept it. I didn't. The things you've said are provably wrong. I've proven several of them wrong with sources now. I've proven the rest wrong with coherent arguments, something you have yet to provide. Please, do everyone a favor, stop claiming it's your opinion that things that are clearly wrong are, in fact, right, and fess up to the fact that you messed up.