Just ordered these parts and will be the second of three gaming computers being made for ESO players(each one different of course) this ones approx $1100 US without the monitor etc. This one will score easy 10,000 on 3dMark 11.
This one was the first finished one, it scores 6000 on 3dmark11 for under $900 US
I am sharing these so that if your not sure on what to build for the game this should help.
I know ESO is not out and I'm just assuming that aside from the regular lag you receive in online games I think the $900 rig will be just fine, but that would be the minimum imo, I don't recommend adding a wireless card to these. These parts have been tested and are much more compatible. I use ASUS boards mainly for their stability if you overclock. If you don't have a monitor try to get one that does 1920 x 1080 with under 2 ms response time.
Just trying to help thats all.