I just did a quick check of some of the major computer OEM sites (Dell, HP) and Newegg, etc., and it's pretty tough to find a half-decent gaming computer for less than $1300-$1500, premade. Anything less than that usually has dedicated on-board graphics instead of a decent video card, and self-customization options have gotten pretty limited anymore, for most OEM's base model computers. You either get crap choices for a cheap price, or you go with their official 'gaming' line, which ain't gonna fit in the sub-$1200 range, sorry. You could get a much better PC than the OEM's beginning gaming models for $1200 or less, if you bought your own parts and built your own, but that's out I guess. If it was me, I'd patiently save up a couple hundred more bucks, if you have to buy a premade. Otherwise, you're going to end up with a pretty substandard and wimpy gaming machine with no legs on it- meaning it'll barely play today's games, and tomorrows games will soon kick it brutally to the curb.