Gamma weapons should be banned by all groups concerned about radiation diseases, there should be disposal stations for them too.
Gamma weapons should be banned by all groups concerned about radiation diseases, there should be disposal stations for them too.
Banning a weapon? In post-apocalyptic America?
I don't think the freedom of a Bethesda game would allow a weapon ban...
Then shouldn't Power Armor, Fat Mans, Mini Nukes, Gatling Lasers, and Laser Rifles be banned as well since they increase the amount of radiation available. The simple fact is that until some organization plans on doing environmental cleanup instead of just surviving or establishing order, then a bit more radiation is not going to do any more damage compared to what has already been done.
We now have a 51% chance of getting cancer instead of 50% because the Brotherhood of Steel uses Power Armor and some cult uses Gamma Guns. It is just doesn't matter in the long run until the main sources of radiation still exist like the Glowing Sea and irradiated water.
Companions often shows like/dislike to actions. The game is very much about putting justice into post apocalyptic nonsense. And the minutemen and others should have taken a stand against gamma weapons.
There is no central government, so there is no governing body making rules, so there is no one who can 'ban' a weapon........sort of a strange topic (and misleading title), the weapon is designed to irradiate people since the church of Atom believe everything should be irradiated. They are pretty much one of the shoot on sight groups and I believe they are the only group equipped with them anyway (unless other factions loot their bodies to shoot at you), so they are already not used by the other factions. What do you want, do you want the Companions and other NPC to complain about a single weapon while ignoring the Fatman firing nuclear bombs around, the Power Armor and weapons running off nuclear power, the area so irradiated that people cannot live there (beyond those Atom nuts who are trying to become irradiated), the irradiated water, the mutated animals that provide much of their food, or the mutated crops that provide the rest etc, etc.
Really it would be kind of jarring, if your Companions started whining on about you using a weapon given the land they live in......anyway its a useless weapon in many ways since Super Mutants, Ferals and Synths are immune to radiation damage anyway........i'm assuming that it doesn't damage those listed since I pretty much kept one as a prize and scrapped the rest. It is actually a very interesting design choice, a weapon designed for a religious group that believes that being irradiated leads them to god, so shooting you with an irradiating weapon is doing you a kindness.
Of topic a bit: Are there any ghouls in the Church of Atom, they seem to be all ordinary humans when I loot their bodies.
While there isn't any Ghouls in the Church of Atom that we know of, here is the official Church of Atom response to ghouls according to Fallout wikia.
"The Children of Atom view the ghouls as "Atom's forsaken" or those who have unfinished business and, for denying the ghouls their unification with Atom himself, Atom touches them with "the Glow" and asks that they spread the word of Atom to those around the world. Those ghouls that refuse to accept the "gift of the Glow" and refuse to spread the word of Atom are doomed to becoming feral ghouls."
So it is possible to have Ghouls in the Church of Atom, but there is no evidence of it.
Very strange indeed, but nevertheless a very acknowledged idea:>
In the game Bethesda dev. has planted the opinions of different types of scum. And this opinion is definitely missing, because most people acknowledge the necessity for arms to gain power and control and also the sense in not using certain types of weapons when they can have liberty without.
EDIT: Nuclear weapons is gamma, but considered a necessity for having power.
Sure, let's ignore the 50 barrels of nuclear waste i tripped over and ban Gamma weapons.
They have a feral located at a certain lighthouse. Read the terminals, gives some good insight into the Church of Atom. Kinda wish they where a fifth faction you could join and take over the boston area with...
Dialogs are also weapons and can be very lethal if it is a very sensitive person, but why not ignore them also, since it is already a post-apocalyptic world ...
Its a misleading topic because there is no story bug involved in this and a strange to topic because as I wrote there is no central government so there is no body to enforce any such law, convention, protocol or agreement and frankly the gamma weapon is not going to be looked at with horror by various post apocalyptic groups who generally kill each other on sight (and in some cases eat their victims). Its like claiming that some third war conflict should be fought under International rules of law when there are no international rules and nobody to enforce them. There is literally no way to ban a weapon in the wasteland and why would anybody care anyway, as others have stated radiation sources are plentiful and the gamma gun is a rare weapon since its only used by one faction, who are shot on sight cannot get much stricter than killing everybody who uses one.
I agree, this horrific weapon should be banned!
I will take this proposal to the Boston City Council of Raiders, at tonight's "Bring-a-settler-to-be-cut-up-into-pieces-and-hung-from-the-roof Party". I just hope we have enough Mini Nukes for the firework display.
Pretty much sums the silliness of the topic, laws do not have any meaning unless there is the organisation to enforce those laws.
Sarin and Chlorine were used by terrorists. It has already been proven. Research it.
Terrorists do not follow any rules.
For instance, look at fascist America. It is a terrorist country by definition, because it seeks political change through the use of terror. And what better way to terrorise people than to bomb them to cave age? Or fund proxy armies of terrorists? Wars of aggression are also against the law according to the UN, but fascist America doesn't care about any laws when it is the offender.
Enforcing the laws today is possible only without the threat of nuclear war by fascist America.