I've put a lot of work into my homestead at Lakeview Manor, and I've decided that for this playthrough I'm going to sorta kinda play like it's real life. If I'm hanging around the house, for example, the only items in my inventory should be the clothes I'm wearing and items related related to whatever I'm doing at the time. Whenever I'm going to leave, I poke in my cupboards and wardrobes (specific locations for specific categories, natch), take a handful of items I think I'll need, a few extra potions and snacks "just in case", and I'll craft/brew/etc whatever I don't have on hand. Occasionally I'll probably sell the majority of the unused items (all my gold went into the homestead, enchanting junk and selling it off is my main source of income right now). To that end, I'd like some recommendations for what I should plant in my little garden outside. Which plants yield ingredients for potions and other concoctions that are super useful and/or worth quite a bit of gold? It has 11 available spots. I currently have Blisterwort, Bleeding Crown, Namira's Rot, Creep Cluster, Canis Root, Deathbell, Dragon's Tongue, Juniper, Tundra Cotton and Imp Stool (I'm trying not to be juvenile here, but that one sounds so wrong!). Anyway, any input is welcome, thanks!
Doc Prox