First of all, congratiulations on the release, The Priest. I loved GTAesgaard ep. 1 and I was really looking forward to ep. 2. However, after I installed your expansion I noticed that the distant land has a really "funky" (and not in a good way) texture, not only in your main worldspace but also in one that I have created myself. The textures seem to consist of brightly coloured squares and occasional stripes. Tamriel seems unaffected though. Does anyone know what might have caused this? And yes, I did put the GTA esm right after Oblivion.esm.
Hi Calen! Please take a look at the readme. In order to make GTAesgaard work along with other ESMs that include worldspaces, you must set the right load order. Take a look at the following page please. In case your custom worldspace still doesn't work as it should try a different load order. I wish I had access to the main oblivion esm to make the installation simpler.... Unfortunatelly I don't.
@ The Priest: About the weather - did you just want the weather unaltered in your own worldspaces, or did you affect Tamrielic ones too. If not, I think I've got a patch sorted out. I'll just test it.
Hi wrinklyninja! Great news! I've been actually using EW for quite some time. It's the only weather mod I personally liked.
No, Tamriel's weather is not affected by GTAesgaard 2. However Carhenia and the rest of the included worldspaces (subrealms included) must stay unaltered. I'd be glad to test the patch

I still wonder if a single condition (if player getinworldspace tamriel <=0 or >= 1) in the begining of your scripts, could do the work (not only for GTAesgaard 2) without additional patches.
Congrats on the release,
another monument has been deployed.
Man, have I been loking forward to this.
Will probably be playing it all night!
Thank you so much!
Now get some of that well-earned rest.

Thank you very much artfact!

I'm glad you like it!
After reading the recommendations I'm guessing this is not compatible with FCOM?
It is... They work perfectly together. In fact I use FCOM too. Read the FAQ text for more info or visit this page :