This thread assumes these forums are closing. I thought it would have happened by now. I hope they never close, for a whole lot of reasons.
I really just wanted to take a moment to say thanks to everybody who I've known and interacted with here in the Oblivion General forum. And that this game has enriched my life, in fact it changed my life. But it wouldn't have been the same without you all.
Pseron Wyrd, glargg, Turija, Acadian, Shelly Mars, Holy Assassin, Lopov, Callidus Thorn, Decrepit. tmar, SubRosa, ghastley, mirocu, and gpster. Rohugh (who took care of my incessant forum warning when I changed from Renee Gade II to Renee Gade III ha ha), Lady-Mara, bobg. Erlendur, and Gritsy. tegeus-Cromis, FreeWitch, Ouija U, and Leydenne. Savilian. Son of Sithis, runlykhel, heathbar. PhonAntiPhon, flowerboom, Broder_Fisk, summer, Golden Sinner, Macole - Vampire Hunter, and mpls Big Daddy. dreamed1, Berret, monkeyoneeyes,
... sheesh, I could go on and on. If I didn't mention you, don't feel bad. Just smack me a couple times over in the new forums!
To think that all of this (me getting way into a videogame at age 38) started as I was sitting around, bored one night back in 2008, seeing if there were any good new games on the PS3, reading about TES IV: Oblivion and then buying it within an hour after first reading its review. Discovering these forums in spring of 2009 (a period during which I was in therapy) and then realizing that THIS is the game for me, especially once I remembered what roleplaying is.
But it wouldn't have been the same without you all. So thanks.