Gatling guns and their "spinning" problem

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:42 pm

Dear friends,

I think that this matter is pretty simple. I don't remember exactly how the Gatling weapons (Minigun and Gatling Laser) were in the previous Fallout series (I've played so many other games since FNV).

But, if I'm not wrong (correct me if I am, please), in New Vegas, if you keep aiming with the weapon, it will keep spinning, like in the real life. Spinning doesn't mean that the gun have to fire immediately, it's just a "I'm ready" mode of it. It's also useful for cooling down heavy Gatling guns.

So, it is possible to make this issue go away in Fallout 4? For me, with Heavy Gunner and Nuclear Physicist perks at maximum, the Gatling Laser is really handy in every situation, even killing Mirelurk Queens before they come closer. So, in small places, I've suffer a lot with this spinning problem. If I sight an enemy, I have to start aiming and waiting a little bit before it start shooting. Most of the times I just keep hip-shooting with it just to don't stop spinning. Worth the waste of Fusion Cores.

So, what you think? Aim = Spin? It will be really good.


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