Dear friends,
As a Gatling Laser user, I've been suffering a lot with this weapon when I use it in V.A.T.S. There is the list:
- Sometimes, when I use it in V.A.T.S., the message "Fusion Core removed" appear, and it doesn't shoot. The V.A.T.S. is cancelled, and the ammo appears as 000/000. I have to go to my Pip-Boy, equip other gun then equip the Gatling Laser again. So the ammo appears as 500/055 (example), and life goes on. My AP is drained the same way. And the Fusion Core that was in use surely have sufficient charge. If I just try to reload it, the message "Missing required ammo" is displayed.
- When I use "Critical Hit" with it, the weapon just shoot about 8 times (the most of times, just 6 shoots), and only half of those shoots (one yes, one no...) causes damage. The total damage with a critical hit is inferior than a V.A.T.S. used without critical.
- With normal V.A.T.S. shoot, without critical, the weapon can deliver a huge amount of damage, shooting very fast, or can cause a medium amount of damage, shooting in medium speed, or even shoot slowly causing almost no damage. I couldn't figure why it is happening, not even the pattern behind it.
Someone have the same problem?