Gay Marriage

Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:43 am

Why are most of the men in Skyrim gay? Many of the men I talk to are willing to marry me. WTF? To me, the knowledge that there are so many men who are willing to marry me breaks immersion. Also, why are there elements of racism in the Elder Scrolls games, but no elements of "homophobia." In fact, they don't even mention homosixuality in the Elder Scrolls games. It's as though they think homosixuality is as normal as heterosixuality and giant spiders. Weird.
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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:58 am

according to the priests of mara, marriage doesn't actually mean the same thing in skyrim as it does in real life.
it's more of a partnership to better the interests and survivability of the two individuals
(although it does lead to a lot of "i love you" conversation messages from the npc - which i think probably comes from bad communication in the writing department about what they wanted it to mean)

personally i see the marriage in skyrim as a means of forming a 2-person adventuring party. you play well as a ranger but need a meatshield/tank, so you marry them and you go down in the annuls of history as the unbeatable adventuring duo.

but yes i do agree that it's bad form that they made so many people in the game cool with same-six partnerships, whilst having (as far as i've seen so far) none of the NPCs in same-six partnerships themselves.

and i agree that it's odd that they included a fair amount of species-ism/rascism but no homophobia in the game. however the easiest way to answer that is thus:
beth don't want to get sued.
if you look at the game's rascism, none of it can be applicable to real life. there's no khajiit or argonians on Earth, and neither are there any elves or imperials or bretons. thus none of the rascism in skyrim could really be seen as an attack on any group of people in real life. whereas, homophobia is something that DOES exist in real life, and is an issue that delving into in a game is like opening a can of worms. Game companies are quite careful about stepping around issues such as this in their games for the most part. (ok you DO occasionally see contraversial issues in games, but they're the exceptions that prove the rule rather than anything else).
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Taylor Thompson
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:06 am

Why are most of the men in Skyrim gay? Many of the men I talk to are willing to marry me. WTF? To me, the knowledge that there are so many men who are willing to marry me breaks immersion. Also, why are there elements of racism in the Elder Scrolls games, but no elements of "homophobia." In fact, they don't even mention homosixuality in the Elder Scrolls games. It's as though they think homosixuality is as normal as heterosixuality and giant spiders. Weird.

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Nathan Risch
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:36 am


uh... why'd you just quote yourself there???
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:06 am

To be fair in real life, I don't know many people who openly express their homophobic views, espescially to strangers.
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:46 am

To be fair in real life, I don't know many people who openly express their homophic views, espescially to strangers.

I don't know many people who openly express their hatred for red guard, dark elves, argonians, etc., either, but you see it all the time in elder scrolls games.
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Erin S
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:26 am

TES isn't RL. Tamriel hasn't been poisoned by years and years of homophobic religions.
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Sammie LM
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:45 pm

uh... why'd you just quote yourself there???

To bump the thread I'd wager.

On Topic: I dunno OP; stop wearing tight pants?
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:29 am

I don't know many people who openly express their hatred for red guard, dark elves, argonians, etc., either, but you see it all the time in elder scrolls games.

good point.
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:01 pm

Why are most of the men in Skyrim gay? Many of the men I talk to are willing to marry me. WTF? To me, the knowledge that there are so many men who are willing to marry me breaks immersion. Also, why are there elements of racism in the Elder Scrolls games, but no elements of "homophobia." In fact, they don't even mention homosixuality in the Elder Scrolls games. It's as though they think homosixuality is as normal as heterosixuality and giant spiders. Weird.

I think it's just that it's a lot easier to get the option to marry the guys, as most of the time, you just have to beat them in a fist fight. And it's not like every time you talk to them they're like "I WANNA MARRY YOU!" they just make a passing comment about the amulet, to which you can ask if they're interested. And maybe on Nirn, homosixuality is as normal as heterosixuality or maybe, those don't even exist, you find somebody you like, and marry them. As one of the priest of Mara say in game, life in Skyrim is short and harsh. The people probably don't care about gender, they just want to find somebody they can be happy with, because they might not be here tomorrow.

edit: in fact, if you remove the amulet before talking to them, they don't even mention it.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:42 am

TES isn't RL. Tamriel hasn't been poisoned by years and years of homophobic religions.

Yeah, and those damned religions also tell us not to murder or steal. WTF? Those fascistic bastards. How dare they impose their morality onto me.
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james reed
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:14 am

Actually, I think M'iaq explains this a bit. Once I heard him say something like "People in Skyrim are more open minded about certain things than people in other places".
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stevie critchley
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:37 am

Actually, I think M'iaq explains this a bit. Once I heard him say something like "People in Skyrim are more open minded about certain things than people in other places".

I guess you're right. The people of Skyrim have no problem with reanimating dead loved ones, killing people for stealing forks, etc., so it makes sense that they wouldn't have any problem with homosixuality.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:14 am

TES isn't RL. Tamriel hasn't been poisoned by years and years of homophobic religions.

Someone thinks being gay is sick does homophobic, itmakes them normal. Despite what 90% of the media tells us.
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:25 am

For Bethesda to create a world where almost everyone is homosixual, says a lot about the company.

First - No human society would be mostly homosixual, that goes against the natural instincts that cause us to reproduce.

Second - most studies are now showing that homosixuality is practiced by less than 1% of the world's population.

This is just another attempt at social engineering, by a handful of clueless game developers.
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:57 am

Someone said that in the lore, being gay is not allowed. But I forget who.
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luis ortiz
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:11 am

Female player characters can marry any of the marriageable guys as far as I'm aware. So the men aren't really all gay, but they are all (potentially) bisixual.
Or maybe you just made your character look too handsome, hmm? (But to be serious, it's better just to take the amulet off before going into towns.)
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John N
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:49 am

Bethesda just didn't include a gender check in the game. They did absolutely nothing to add gay marriage. It was already there.

All the NPCs are bisixual in nature because of the lack of a gender check.
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:44 am

I promised myself I wouldn't get involved in these threads.

Too late.

So enjoy your lock, moron. Glad people who think like you are dying out.

You're being intolerant.
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:05 am

Normal people don't care. People who think it is sick is homophobic. Again, thank the countless religions that force the "fact" that homosixuality is "bad" down our throats.
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:26 am

Why are most of the men in Skyrim gay? Many of the men I talk to are willing to marry me. WTF? To me, the knowledge that there are so many men who are willing to marry me breaks immersion. Also, why are there elements of racism in the Elder Scrolls games, but no elements of "homophobia." In fact, they don't even mention homosixuality in the Elder Scrolls games. It's as though they think homosixuality is as normal as heterosixuality and giant spiders. Weird.

I`ve been wondering about this too. And if you ask me, there should be no gay marriage in games. Why? Well, why would they need to be in games? Why am I forced to watch gay people hitting on my character in a video game? I find it extremely offensive.
I totally accept gay people getting married in real life, don`t get me wrong. It`s just that "normal" people shouldn`t be forced to have that stuff in their screens.. I get a very negative wtf feeling when I see a man hitting on my male character in Skyrim.
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:45 am

Also I like racial tension in Skyrim and wouldn't mind hearing "[censored]!"* coming from someone while me and my spouse are passing by (and better yet I wouldn't mind ripping his f'king head off for that :D ).

But it would be politically incorrect, a very bad PR, and would cause bad advertising from Fox News, so it's better for Beth as a company and further for us as a players when it stays that way. Deal with it.

EDIT: *Meant unpleasant word for gay persons.
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:40 am

I`ve been wondering about this too. And if you ask me, there should be no gay marriage in games. Why? Well, why would they need to be in games? Why am I forced to watch gay people hitting on my character in a video game? I find it extremely offensive.
I totally accept gay people getting married in real life, don`t get me wrong. It`s just that "normal" people shouldn`t be forced to have that stuff in their screens.. I get a very negative wtf feeling when I see a man hitting on my male character in Skyrim.

Dont equip the amulet then? i never had any men hit on my character.
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Emerald Dreams
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:09 am

Homosixual people are "Normal" people. Just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean it should be removed.
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:25 am

Most people find it offensive.

The sick ones, are the people who want to live in a world where men are constantly coming on to other men.
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