With the aid of tutorials, I'm getting the basics down and making my first attempt at a player home. I have numerous mods downloaded and installed currently in my game. Solace (player home) being one of them. Solace has a lot of custom items (furniture and what not) that I'm using in my own mod. After using a few of these items (beds, lockers, etc), I saved the progress and shut down the geck. When I load my file, the items I used from Solace do not appear. Everything else is in place where it was saved. My load includes the Fallout 3 esm masterfile, the Solace esp plugin, and my "active" "vault 74" plugin. I'm not sure whether I'm doing something wrong when saving, or what. ......If this doesn't make any sense, I can try and clarify the question more. ...otherwise, maybe someone can tell me what I'm missing here. Thanks.
You can't use an .esp to modify another .esp. You would have to turn that mod into an .esm and, then use it as a master to your new player home.
converting the mod to a master is fairly easy. Just open the mod with FO3edit select the file header, find the flag and click edit. Check the box for .esm, close FO3edit and, save. Remember to change the file extension from .esp to .esm. and your done.
Now load the new master and your mod in the GECK, make some edits and save. Now your mod is using your newly converted plugin as a master.
You may have to edit your GECKCustom.ini to allow for multiple masters.
Hope this helps