i'm sorry, i forgot to ask if this is possible on xbox 360? if not, .. uhh.. lol.
would not be able to? lol. he plays xbox360, he's already finished the game as a good guy, now he's playing as a bad girl. which might be awkward. LOL. maybe my char could be a guy who wants HER to marry HIM. pfft hahah.
anyways, so, its 360, uhh, is there a way of putting a mod on there? or scripting? i love your ideas!!
i think it would be best to do it through scripting then, right?
my envision was with him having to go on a mission, and the radio guy talking to him, and he would get confused when he heard or saw his name LOL, then at the end, he would have to blow up a whole town or something, then go hide in a vault until safe to come out, then there would be a msg on a wall or sky writing that says "____ Marry me, or I will send you back to the Vault. Love, _____" or something LOL hahah/.
he will say yes, because he says he sees himself with me. he says he is going to propose to me within the year, so i am not sure when to do this? LOL. after he proposes to me, then i give him His ring, via my awesome proposal? so that way we both get to propose. but omg you guys, i have the most awesome ring being shipped to me, and i have an industrial, metal ring box to put it in. it will be amazing.