So I'd like to see what the forum's general views are on these two "bonuses". For anyone that is not clear on the news, at this time, the only way to play the Imperial race is to purchase the Imperial Edition($80). Anyone who pre-orders the game, whether standard or Imperial, receives the Explorer Pack, which allows you to play any race in any faction. The rest of the preorder bonuses and additions are largely superficial, with these to inclusions being the most incendiary so far, so what are all your thoughts on them?
Personally, I can remember back to over a year ago on the forums where we would argue for days if not weeks on whether to allow faction locking and as someone who did not support locking the factions I am happy that it has been done away with in a sense, but disappointed that they have decided to monetize this ability to choose. I still plan to preorder the game, but I really am disappointed to see just how far Zenimax will go to make us pay for content that should, arguably, be included in the subscription fee. Since we do not know if the Imperial Edition is the only way to play the Imperials, I'll withhold my judgment. If it turns out that there is an in-game way to unlock them( and it isn't a massive time sink, possibly beating the campaign will unlock them?), and the pre-order bonus is essentially a shortcut, fine, have it in there. Undoubtedly though, ZOS certainly needs to communicate with the community as it seems like a lot of people want clarification on the details, rather than leave anything up to ambiguity.
If the wording of the polls could be better, let me know.