You know what I'd like to do? a roleplay setting in Akavir. Yes, yes, throw your sweetroll facts at me about us not knowing enough about Akavir.
But I think I could solve this by creating a compendium of lore in an OP. That would consist of A ) current lore on Akavir, B ) fictionally filled-in lore.
The filled-in lore would be derived from our understanding of the continent's cultures, environment, as well as using similar real life counterparts
to those cultures or environments as references to mold into form a basic shape / understanding of the continent, to be used in the RP.
The basic story would be about the East Empire's company re-colonisation of Ionith: as they make way to expand their business ventures even
farther into eastern shores. From here they hope to garner diplomats, workers, sellswords, even locals to work their progress across the land.
It'd be similar to Valton: The New Hold in many ways, but it'd be focusing on working a plot that'd be akin to the Macartney Mission, albeit without failure.
What do people think? would there be any interest in this? I know I wouldn't mind doing the research needed to create a compendium.
However I don't think I'd have the skills to create a unique or interesting society from scratch. Well, if I did, I'd probably confuse people.