Question for ya'll, out of curiosity. What was the most interesting, and entertaining RP you have ever been in, and why?
For me, it was a RP called The Expedition to Saarthal. I think it's the longest running non-IBT RP I've ever been in (Went from before Skyrim was announced to last March, and 5 threads, I believe). I made my favorite character ever in that RP, Cordus Leon. I think it worked because we had a good group of RPers who all got along, and thus our characters interacted well. I really learned how to RP well in that one, and I really do miss it, especially because the core group of people from that I don't really see around here anymore.
I also really enjoyed the character I made for the extremely short lived Aegis of Man Rp. The RP itself had potential, but I especially liked my character and hw the destiny I was given for her would affect her development. Essientally, the character was the only optimistic and Pollyanna-like character in it, but her desitiny would of had her been recaptured by the Ayleids (because the RP was about the fall of the Ayleids, and our characters were slaves) and get tortured and broken. I was really looking forward to that, but, alas, it was not to be.