Hey everyone thanks for taking the time to read my thread. It has been a long and I mean LONG time since I have really sat down and played Oblivion and I was wondering a few things I have noticed while playing...
Do the random crashes happen often? Or should there be any random crashes at all? I noticed a few times while adventuring ill begin to approach a city and boom! the game will crash to desktop...(-_-) quite irritating.
I'm a console player myself, on a PS3. My games rarely crash...I'd say maybe once a month (an Earth month not a game month) my game will freeze up or glitch out, and I'll have to restart it.

It happens rarely though.
You're on the PC? I'm assuming since you mentioned "desktop" the answer is "yes". I'm no expert but if your game crashes frequently on the PC, it probably has something to do with the hardware or system you're using or something. I'm no expert (or even an amateur) here, but there are plenty who know this sort of stuff.
Can you be more specific with the system you're using?
Are there any broken quests that I should be aware of before I start them? LOL I was doing the quest (In Cheydinhal I believe) and I was supposed to meet the guard at the local inn but he never showed even when my quest arrow was directing me there.
Weird little stuff like this happens here and there. It's been a long time since I've used the arrow system, but what color was the arrow? If it's
green, that means the guard should have been in that room or area. If it's
red, the guard will not be in that immediate room or area, but the arrow will tell you which way to go.
What is a good Difficulty setting for a new player as a thief/assassin? I say new player because I may as well be one. I people say tweak it and what not but I am trying to find a setting where arrows on sneak attack with a damage health potion could kill a weaker enemy with a single blow but nothing less than that. If that makes sense >_<
I assume you're talking about the difficulty slider? This is really a preference for your gaming style. I always have my slider right in the middle (default), no matter which character I'm with. But there are others here who move it around and stuff.
Can you buy horses? I can't seem to buy horses maybe I am just doing it wrong?
Go inside the stable and talk to Tovas. Lol. Hmmm...you should be able to just go in the little shack outside of any city and just buy one. :confused: There's only one stable packed with horses that doesn't actulaly sell them, and that's outside the Imperial City. Not sure why you're having trouble here...
Why do my settings reset after restart? In my video options I want to set the distances of everything on max but when I restart the game the settings restart as well.
I'm betting this is a PC issue...can't help
Bloom or HDR? Whats the difference and which is best in your opinion?
...no idea what this is.
Is there a way to yield? What I mean by this is give up fighting or have someone you may have accidentally attacked stop attacking you? Also if possible stop them from ratting you out if you accidentally pick up that damn fork? (silverware)
Yes you can yield, but it takes practice.. The person who is attacking you has to actually like you for best results.
But what you do is hold whatever button or key you're using for BLOCK.. Let the NPC attack you and keep pressing BLOCK while also pressing ACTIVATE. Eventually (assuming the NPC likes you enough) the attack will stop. But I've had a few attacks which went on and on while I yielded! At some point, you've either gotta run or kill the NPC if they refuse to honor your yield.
Should I go through a certain part of the main quest before I do other quests? I don't want to level to much and not be able to get through the plot because I hear the mobs level with you >_< (Dumb idea imo)
...totally a personal preference. I didn't even start the Main Quest until last year, and didn't
finish it until this year. There's a million ways to play Oblivion. If you don't like the fact that the entire world levels up with you and stuff, there are ways to get around this, vanilla game or PC (mods). Just ask if you're curious.
That is all I can think of for now I appreciate your time and responses everyone ^_^ Thanks again and if there are any other tips that can help a newbie out I would greatly appreciate it.
Cool. I get to give my first fishie stick in awhile.