The following questionnaire basically asks certain questions regarding general topics relating to the CW so there's a better idea of how people view certain topics.
The following questionnaire basically asks certain questions regarding general topics relating to the CW so there's a better idea of how people view certain topics.
sorry, I can't answer your poll because you made the questions to "black and White".
yeah, this thread is a CW argument just waiting to happen...
Read the first question.. stopped there. Better luck next time I guess. (Blessings of Akazard)
Even though I am no fan of the Empire, I believe that many of these questions are too black and white and perhaps also a bit too biased.
Not voting. Way too biased. At least add a third neutral option to the poll questions.
The empire can support itself. It's the best thing that ever happened to Tamriel.
All hail the emporer, all hail his legionares.
Yea I'm all Stormcloak, but even I agree the way the questions and answers are worded makes it hard not to vote for the Stormcloak side unless you are cruel.
I wonder why? I won't bother saying it seems fine to me because of who I am, but if the questions seem like obvious answers, then maybe that should tell you something....
.... That the poll is obviously biased towards the Stormcloaks.
Not sure how things like freedom vs security is biased. They're fair questions. Hell, that one I don't like because it suggests SCs dont offer security. It only feels biased because they remove all the nostalgia and propoganda, and asks you straightforward questions, and in that setting the answers seem obvious.
In terms of freedom and security, I always go with freedom obviously. I'm just pointing that a good poll is usually not as biased as this one.
Probably there should be more neutral options. The word "foreign law" is probably objectionable to people who believe that imperial law was always Skryim's main rule of law. That's debatable IMO but as it's worded, the question is a bit baiting.
I'm not sure there's a lot new to be gleaned on these subjects anyway. All the regulars know what the other regulars think.
This forum needs an
I'm not sure what you expect to gain from this.