I have the GoTY version, on PC, and have checked the boxes in the data files (on start-up) to make all the add-ons load.
I have been randomly exploring the Wastelands, and have acquired a lot of Quests by speaking to various characters in the game, and have completed some, but not making it a point to travel from point A to B just to do a quest, so a lot of them are in my Pip-Boy but only approx 14 are completed. I have made a point to not go into any of the areas/quests for the add-ons, as I want to do all the original game first.
I just found Fort Bannister, and killed all the NPC's there, above ground and below. While taking a break from the game I was reading random pages on the FO3 Wiki and found a page for Fort Bannister and it says that with the Broken Steel add-on installed I would have found Aqua-Pura pack Brahmin near the tents, and a Brotherhood Paladin tied up in one of the tents...I saw neither. Is that because I have not finished the Main Story quest line yet?
Have I messed up a quest or time-line by doing something out-of-order, by randomly wandering through the game as I am? I have completed the Main Story quest line up to the point where I've found Dad's holodiscs telling me he's gone off to Vault 112, but I have not gone to Vault 112 yet...so by killing off everyone at Fort Bannister will it have a detrimental affect when I finish the Main Story quest and then start the Broken Steel stuff?
Will the Talon Co. Mercs that populated Fort Bannister respawn?
Thank you for your time and assistance.