General questions I have

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:50 pm

1) do I need PA training to use PA
2) how can I get remnant PA
3) what is the lvl cap
4) how do I kill mr. house
5) is there an ending that ruins the game(avoid)
6) what's is the best home
7) how can I get unlimited caps
8) where can I get a sniper and a scope
9) is there a ghoul town like the underworld
10) can I still do side quests after the end of main story
11) what do you get for beating the game on the hardest mode

Thanks for helping!
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James Wilson
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:26 pm

1) do I need PA training to use PA
2) how can I get remnant PA
3) what is the lvl cap
4) how do I kill mr. house
5) is there an ending that ruins the game(avoid)
6) what's is the best home
7) how can I get unlimited caps
8) where can I get a sniper and a scope
9) is there a ghoul town like the underworld
10) can I still do side quests after the end of main story
11) what do you get for beating the game on the hardest mode

Thanks for helping!

1. Yes.
2. Find it amongst Deathclaws.
3. 30 Vanilla, 50 with DLC's.
4. Pull the plug.
5. Specify what "ruins the game" means. Ending it permanently? All endings do that.
6. Subjective, but I find Abandoned BOS Bunker with the DLC Dead Money to be best.
7. You can't.
8. Gun Runners.
9. No.
10. No.
11. Nothing.

Spoiler version, click on your own risk

1. You can get it from Arcade at a certain point (Or it might have been another Enclave Remnant) and from the BOS when high enough rep is obtained.
2. There is a place called Deathclaw Promotory on the eastern side of the river, just follow the river until you see deathclaws.
4. Literally.
8. Gun Runners are right next to Vegas, so expect it to take a while before you get there.

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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:23 am

Ok, thanks, so, should I just save, beat it and then load?
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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:12 am

Ok, thanks, so, should I just save, beat it and then load?

Yes, you will get a popup near the end tell you that this is the end and that you should probably save before you continue.
After you beat it simply reload and continue questing, and once finished all the quests you can find then do the final quest again for more delicious ending sliders. :D
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:30 am

It makes a system save for you at the point of no return. A Giant Box pops up, tells you it's the point of no return. And then it makes a save for you because so many people were ignoring the aforementioned Giant Box.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:32 am

1) do I need PA training to use PA
2) how can I get remnant PA
3) what is the lvl cap
4) how do I kill mr. house
5) is there an ending that ruins the game(avoid)
6) what's is the best home
7) how can I get unlimited caps
8) where can I get a sniper and a scope
9) is there a ghoul town like the underworld
10) can I still do side quests after the end of main story
11) what do you get for beating the game on the hardest mode

1) Yes you need power armor training to use power armor.
2) Arcade Gannon gives you some. Or you can kill any Enclave Remnant member whilst they're wearing it and loot it off them.
3) Level 50 with all DLC's.
4) Hack the computer next to his Screen, get the elevator down, and you'll figure it out from there.
5) All ending's end the game, there is no playing beyond.
6) Personal preference. I like the sink at Big MT.
7) If your on the PC its pretty easy. If your on a consol, its not exactly unlimited caps, but you can take all the gold bars from The Sierre Madre Vault, they're worth more than I ever spent.
8) The Gun Runners/ Various Enemies.
9) No.
10) You cant play on past the end of the main quest, you'll need to do all side quests/DLC's before you complete the main storyline.
11) Pride ? You get and achievement/trophy for completeing the Main quest from start to finish on hardcoe mode.

I think you should visit for any further niggling questions.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:44 pm

Ok, that's what I'll do, but, how do I find arcade? Or somthing..,
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:21 pm

Arcade is in the Old Mormon Fort in Freeside. He won't help you if you have helped out the Legion.

Sniper rifles are available around lvl 14 or so at gun runners.

I like the Novac motel room because there are no extra doors (loading screens), but you have to do some work around Novac for it, but no caps (easiest is the cattle rancher and boone side quests).

An easy, fun way to get caps is by killing the legion assassins who will come after you, if you work against the legion, every three days, you can make 400 caps and have cool battles.

Do you know about It might ruin it for you (spoilers and detailed walk throughs), but it has all the info you need.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:06 pm

7. There's a glitch at the Vicki and Vance Casino that gies you unlimited caps.

Say you play some slots or blackjack and you win 2,000 chips, which equals 2000 caps at the exchange window.

You turn in your money, but the speech option never goes away, and your chips stay in your inventory yet you get how many caps you wpuld earn for turning in turning in the chips.

Its hard to explain. I happened to read about it one but it sounded completed, and then I happened to foret to exchange my chips for caps and wallah, I discovered the glitch.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:13 am

1) do I need PA training to use PA
2) how can I get remnant PA
3) what is the lvl cap
4) how do I kill mr. house
5) is there an ending that ruins the game(avoid)
6) what's is the best home
7) how can I get unlimited caps
8) where can I get a sniper and a scope
9) is there a ghoul town like the underworld
10) can I still do side quests after the end of main story
11) what do you get for beating the game on the hardest mode

Thanks for helping!

1) Yes, get it either from the BoS or The Enclave
2) Deathclaw Promontory, and Silver Peak Mine for the helmet, or do Arcade's quest "For Auld Lang Syne"
3) 50 with all the DLC, 30 without any, each DLC raises the level cap by 5
4) Turn him off
5) Not sure what you mean by "ruins"
6) The only one with all the niceties (Ammo Bench, Workbench, Campfire/Hotplate, lots of safe storage, and a clean supply of water) all in one spot is the Sink. My game tends to lag hideously between traveling to and from the Big MT though so they all have their flaws.
7) Drop 33,536 Casino Chips, pick them up, and cash them in over and over and over again
8) Lots of places
9) No
10) You can't do anything after the main story
11) A warm feeling in your tummy
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:50 am

ok. thank you all!!
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