Just for some fun . . .
Just for some fun . . .
Even the most ardent pro-Imperial would have to concede defeat in a personal test of arms between them simply on account of Ulfric possessing the Thu'um.
Also.... Isn't this in the wrong forum?
Just console spawn them in and see what happens.
LOL, it would be like Skyrim gone Matrix lol
I have to admit, I am an UlfricxRikke past-shipper.
Wait, I am I supposed to be on-topic . . .
I think these fights are useless, both are nothing anyways. Talos would be ashamed of the Stormcloaks for fighting their fellow man instead of helping the Empire break free from the WGC and fight the Thalmor.
Strictly speaking, both Ulfric and Tullius are nearly worthless fighters due to their lack of perks, lack of combat styles, and weak equipment. Common bandits could easily defeat either.
Also, the effectiveness of any combat between them will be influenced by the wavelength that is level scaling -- for example, if Tullius is over level 30, Ulfric can't disarm him.
Hypothetically, while Tullius has more armor, he also has less health, and Ulfric has an unfair advantage by his ability to knock Tullius down and take potshots.
I would think Ulfric would win a facile victory -- unless their second-in-commands are there, too, in which case the Imperial side will win because Legate Rikke is has an obscenely large health boost compared to the others.
No? The Empire bent the knee to the Elves. Ulfric threw off the yoke of weaker men and took the fight to the Thalmor. If Talos is ashamed of Ulfric for anything, it isn't that.
I think he meant more that try to bet upon who would win in a hypothetical fight is foolish because they will only fight each other during the end of the civil war questline, where it doesn't matter because the opposing side must lose and your favored side has the player's help, which is a tremendous imbalance.
He could not throw off the "yoke of weaker men" without the help of a demigod. And if it were not for Alduin and the Helgen incident, Ulfric's head would be severed from his body and on its way to Cyrodiil, the seat of power for those "weaker men".
With the Dragonborn and the Helgen incident out of the equation, there was no point where the Stormcloaks would have won. Conversely, the Legion was on the cusp of victory, for Ulfric's claim to the throne was the lynchpin of the Stormcloak cause. Without it, the Stormcloaks are just malcontents.
Ulfric cause he sinks his fangs into the neck of Tulllius ?
XD what the hell? That sounds like some sort of dirty fan fiction
I think it is a reference to what Alduin says maybe? Not sure.
Well, this escalated quickly.
It might be wise to mention here that I have actually run these sorts of simulations out of boredom. It was in the Palace of the Kings, to the Empire side's disadvantage because Ulfric and Galmar were helped by Windhelm guards. So they also received Elenwen, who is something of a glass cannon. If I remember rightly, Rikke was the last one standing, and then in another test, Ulfric and Galmar were both alive.
At which point I grew bored of it and let Mercer Frey run amok. He took advantage of the melee to run about easily killing weakened opponents, and he was the ultimate victor.
I think it was just some random stuff he said
But what? what did alduin say?
Something like "Paarthurnax...my teeth to his neck!"
Alduin is big on putting his teeth to the necks of people who have earned his ire. Paarthy isn't the only one he says this to/about.
You forgot an option, so I'm penciling it in!
"Neither: Sofie takes them both out in their sleep and declares herself High Queen, unleashing her hoard of Werebears to conquer all opposition, and the Thalmor taste great with Nord Ale."
Sofie. Like a boss.
Nope, not even for that. We don't allow vs topics plus it is in the wrong forum.