Generate Static LOD fails repeatedly - again

Post » Sun Apr 27, 2014 4:14 pm

"LOD diffuse texture '..\Source\TGATextures\lod\ShipLOD.tga' and normal texture '..\Source\TGATextures\lod\ShipLOD_n.tga' are not the same size (but should be)."


Done this again and again, using default LODs. If I uncheck "Has distant LOD" it is fine, then CK finds another texture and gives same error "...are not the same size (but should be)."

Why is this so difficult?

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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Mon Apr 28, 2014 3:06 am

I got this error even if the textures doesn't exists. Make a double check of your folder paths and texture names. The Source folder must be in the same way as Skyrim folder (not in data).

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