As do I.
One of the things I disliked about Oblivion were the nameless 'bandits' etc.
I very much prefer the Morrowind system where what you did actually mattered. Hostile humanoids were all unique and it was possible to feel you made Vvardenfell a safer place by ridding it of smugglers and bandits.
Now, I understand that maybe from a gameplay perspective it is better to have generic enemies that respawn rather than run out of enemies at some point, but I draw the line at cities and towns.
I very much dislike all the 'settlers' I encounter in New Vegas who are basically just moving scenery.
There is no room to imagine a history or character for them, they have nothing unique.
I want NPC's to have a name, a home, and a schedule.
I want to be able to develop an odd like for someone like City-swimmer and imagine we are friends. Visit them.
I do not want cardboard generic filler NPC's.
I think NPC's will have names this time around too, they have families now, we know that. They have schedules now too, better ones, we also know that.
Notice the "I THINK" at the beginning, so that people won't make any mistakes misreading what I'm writing...
Anyway, I absolutely agree with you 100%. I loved how in Morrowind everyone had depth, although some did not and only provided things that others provide as well... but the "background" option was interesting. Not very meaningful or deep, but interesting.
I think basically they are doing what's best for the game now. There may be some background NPCs, but at least they'll react to us. At least they have a schedule, a life, a family, they've got a home and kids nonetheless!
I think NPCs will be even deeper this time around considering they have found a better way to compress voice files and now they can basically have as much voiced dialogue as they want without overloading the disc.
I have a good feeling about this