Take this up with Crytec. He's a copy of the anti-cheat logs from that last game:
<23:06:20> Player 'FWE Sultaan', guid '13023D80': Suspicious activity of type 'eCT_TeamPerk_KillStreakTooSmall' with params '1.000000' detected at game time '4201761'
<23:06:55> Player 'FWE Sultaan', guid '13023D80': Suspicious activity of type 'eCT_TeamPerk_KillStreakTooSmall' with params '2.000000' detected at game time '4236217'
<23:07:33> Player 'FWE Sultaan', guid '13023D80': Suspicious activity of type 'eCT_TeamPerk_KillStreakTooSmall' with params '2.000000' detected at game time '4274570'
<23:11:17> Player 'FWE Sultaan', guid '13023D80': Suspicious activity of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with params '0.000000' detected at game time '4498358'
<23:11:17> Player 'FWE Sultaan', guid '13023D80': Infraction logged of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with severity '20.000000'
<23:11:17> Player 'FWE Sultaan', guid '13023D80': Player has accumulated an overall cheat severity of '20.000000'
<23:15:00> Cheat record for player with guid '13023D80':
<23:15:00> type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak', infractions '1', cumulative severity '20.000000'
I gave you the benefit of doubt and you know it. Funny how others accused you of Firing from cloak and the logs show the same thing.