Post » Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:17 am

This is what I posted in the comments section of Ars Technica, today 06-Oct-2011:

"Don't buy anything made by Crytek. They are one of the worst developers around, if not the worst this generation, by far. Their business practices are highly unethical, they are the antithesis to company like say Valve which supports their games post release with updates and NEEDED patches.

Crysis 2 is one of the most broken games, if not the most broken game on next-gen consoles. It's riddled with game-breaking bugs, and caused 360 to hard-freeze. The game came with several achievements that do not unlock. The "Dedication" achievement was suppose to award 50 gamer points for playing 6-months after your first MP match. 95% of the community that plays Crysis 2 has not received that cheevo, as a result of Crytek's pitifully bad QA/QC standards, and Crytek UK's inconceivably bad netcode.

A month ago my GT was King Crysis II (360), and I formed a clan NFCT on Crysis 2. We were very dominate, and I was ranked 35th in the world. Take it from me, or take it from this site, where you will see many more bugs detailed, and how Crytek conducts themselves. Ben [ArsTech Editor], do your homework...many more games deserve mention over this, many more developers deserve to be covered here at Ars. "

How accurate would you guys say this is? Don't worry, those of you who are too weak to take a stand, I'm strong enough for you all. I recently traded in my PS3 because they changed their EULA TOS, so I'm not taking **** anymore from any corrupt and unethical companies.

PS: FU Crytek!
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:39 am

I dont find this accurate at all. The bugs were an annoyance, not game breaking and as you know I've played this game for a long time. Plus I'll never hate on a gaming company, its trufuly the publishers fault (at the same time EA had alot of games on their plate. It was evident that one would get the short end of the stick). But at the same time Crysis 2 is a great game that in truth is one of the best (or as I said an unpolished diamond). It may have a few bugs a few glitches but its still better or on par with most of games out there.
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Post » Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:43 am

I disagree whole heartedly.

The game suffers bugs no better or worse than many other AAA titles and certainly there were none that spoiled my 2 run throughs.

Crytek make some of the best games around, their after support does svck but they are still great developers make great games and I for one will be in line for their next AAA title (none of that free to play tosh btw), which hopefully will be Crysis 3.
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stephanie eastwood
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Post » Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:21 am

gee let's see

Bioware is hailed as one of the best studios around

you know how long it took them to put out a PC patch to get a LOT of their customers to actually PLAY ME1 pc? over 1 year

They promised SCORES of dlc bridging the first and second ME.....we only got BDtS and the PS....none of wich acted as a bridge between the 2 games (while they just remained completely silent about it all)

Several choices from ME1 to ME2 are bugged so you get the opposite outcome (notably Conrad Verner and Shaira) which basically rendered the existence of several lines of dialogue pretty much unknown

There is a bug in ME2 that crashes your imported characters so you get stuck on the intro mission and can't go on anymore so you are stuck running with only brand new campaigns, and the PS3 version's NG+ is completely bugged in so many ways it's not even funny......OH and 3 out of 4 times the game will YSOD (yellow skull of death) on you upon finishing the unskippable intro movie so you will have to just start again from scratch.

The acievement "no one left behind" did not unlock for a lot of people


yet I do not see people cracking down on them as people are on crytek

just giving you an example, there are plenty more.

Crysis 2 is an amazing game, it has bugs, but no way near as bad as this bafoon makes them
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Post » Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:07 am

I have 15 days online time invested into the 360 version. As well, I'm hardly a "bafoon," and am very knowledgable in the game industry. I'm aware that other companies release bugged games, but none of them conduct themselves with the pomp and silent treatment we see from Crytek. It's the lack of communication when we are banging at the door that has many of us bitter. It's not the glitches, it's that Crytek takes a lot of us for fools, or doesn't care to address our issues with their products in a timely and respectful manner. Keeping all information "in-house" makes Crytek seem like the fawking KGB. This is games we are talking, and we the paying customers are tired of being kept in the dark about the poor state of the product we purchased. You are not holding the cure for AIDS, we just want those goddamn patches already. Stop being kunts and release them!

Thus I lost my respect for them. I HATE what Crytek represents, i.e., the slow decay of ethical business practices we are becoming all too familiar with.
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